Big Pete Bondurant


GOOD because this show SUCKS and the only time it should come back is NEVER

You made the right decision

YEAH, it should NEVER come back

Ugh, this is a great review of a terrible finale to a garbage season of television. Zack nails basically all the problems with the antiseptic nature of this show, and after wasting 10.5 hours of my life on this trash, I'm grateful s1 is over so I can close the book on WESTWORLD and never think about it again. Fuck

Once again, fuck this show. Despite high quality work both in front of and behind the camera, it puts mystery ahead of both story and character. All these threads are speculation and theories, and none of them are about the quality of the storytelling!

The idea of the entire first season being a prequel is such a giant FUCK YOU to the audience. If they need ten hours of setup, the creators don't know how to put together a story!

What? No. The visuals are barely above Syfy level

You can NEVER understand this?!

WESTWORLD has been cheating, Winston!

He should not have to do homework to write a review. If the show doesn't work on its own merits, that's the shows fault, not his

No, you're correct. Mystery does not equal quality

This movie was garbage!

You're very incorrect.


Shut up


Also, fuck Borderline Films, their movies are pretentious and overdirected exercises in navel gazing that only sometimes are redeemed by strong performances

This is a very bad movie, slow and dull, with a pretty lousy performance by the lead actress (who in fairness has a woefully underwritten part with which to work) , and black and white aside, very bad visuals. Being ponderous does not equal being good.

Spot on