Big Pete Bondurant

Yeah, probably worst ep in the series, but whatever

Yeah, the article is well written and thoughtful but the headline is hyperbolic and contrarian.

It's certainly iconic. It's not as strong as say TAXI DRIVER or RAGING BULL, certainly, but it's iconic for "Never rat on your friends" alone.

The dude is hardly "dissenting" with his condescending attitude and snotty phrasing, he is clearly trolling and not interested in an actual debate. These aren't exactly well-argued criticisms he's stating, as much as "I don't like it so it sucks." The part about 'sloppy even by television standards' demonstrates at

To a point, but look at where he ended up by 1955. It doesn't need to be a rise to power story but I'd love to see the Gerhardt clan earlier in the century

Betsy has cancer, not Peggy

Shut up

Slow clap

Misdirection! I don't believe that!

I hope not!

All the references to Prohibition, the formation of the Gerhardt syndicate and Dieter Gerhardt "building an empire" make me think season 3.will show the birth of the Gerhardt organization or. At least its rise to prominence during the 30s. They reference it a LOT just as how Sioux Falls was referenced in s1

Bear is clearly the mob boss of FARGO s1,absolutely

Uhhhh, things didn't end well for Bernie though…

They should go back further and show Ottos dad Dieter

HES A PIECE OF SHIT (Personally and professionally)

The popular theory is that Bear becomes head of the family and is the big boss of Fargo in the 2006 of season 1


I would watch the shit out of DIETER GERHARDT: RISE TO POWER

Thanks for writing
