Big Pete Bondurant

Who the heck is Robbie the Robot

That sounds great but how did you put that together??

RED DRAGON spoilers follow:

This show is garbage

There have been many discussions about all these topics for the 2.6 seasons of the show. It really doesn't contribute to have one more and Bedelia no longer affects the story now that the Florence arc is over. For example, I don't think the WHY of Dolarhyde eating the painting was adequately explained because so much

Then you are easily amused…

That seems especially trivial when Hannibal has been manipulating Will for the ENTIRE SERIES

That's really really reaching. Her part in the story wrapped up pretty well at the end of the Florence arc, and it just seemed that they were padding out the running time with non Dragon stuff

Don't condescend to me

The Bedelia-Will stuff just seemed like an epic waste of time and was so boring.

The Bedelia stuff was so boring and an enormous waste of time. Barreling towards the endgame of the entire series, the fate of her patient and all that goes with it could not feel more inconsequential to the story.


that is actually a brilliant idea and now I will do it.

This is a bad, bad idea. The story needs to start contracting not keep expanding.

Yeah. I saw. The cable guide and every other site has it listed as EXTRACT AND DEFEND so…I guess someone somewhere at AMC screwed up. Strange…

Why does this review call the episode INFILTRATOR when the title was EXTRACT AND DEFEND? did AV Club get the wrong screener?

That's commitment to a bit

I think it's more that style trumps pain?

It was really great