
The (former) Gawker and its sites have pretty consistently put forth a message that wealthy people are evil. The notable exceptions are wealthy celebrities that espouse liberal views, regardless of whether said celebrities do more than just talk about the issues or not.

That’s fine since it’s their prerogative to have

The residents were pissed, and petitioned the Board of Supervisors to nullify the sale. One resident explained to The San Francisco Chronicle the shock that they, the city’s wealthy, could be so rudely taken advantage of

If people keep calling for shows of her non-Till work to be closed/canceled, then that is a de facto call for a ban.

While it’s true that they’re not calling for a lifetime ban, they are calling for a cancellation of the show that is opening. Saying this doesn’t qualify as a ban is like saying the Trump Travel Ban doesn’t count as a ban.

that’s the distinction I would make as well. It was tone-deaf, but not outright malicious. Take the painting down, she won’t profit from it, and let her show continue. If the error in judgment was recognized, what more can we want that doesn’t lead to censorship or outright maliciousness on our part?

I generally empathized with the protest over the Emmett Till piece at the Whitney, and I thought Schutz’s response was weak as hell and full of privilege and entitlement.

Protest away. Just know that the art still gets to be shown.

Oh so a temporary ban?

78 Famed Artists Including Kara Walker, Cindy Sherman, and Marina Abramovic Condemn the Dana Schutz Protest

It’s definitely “a bit much” considering the damn painting at the center of the controversy isn’t even going to be, and for that matter never was going to be, on display at this show.

Art’s meant to have a point but it doesn’t have to be controversial.

I can’t help but think banning someone for having painted a single controversial work is a bit much.

As a guy, even I can confirm my inner vagina did just that.

Anybody else just feel their vagina slam shut?

I don’t want to do those things all the time

This is stupid on Slate Management’s part. There’s been a wave of unionization of non-conservative New Media sites, so they had to have known it was coming for them next. All it’s going to do is create a lot of alienation and ill will with their own staff when they lose the secret ballot vote, only for them to end up

Agreed. Demario doesn’t seem very bright (which kind of goes hand-in-hand with going on BiP - the smart Bach contestants seem to go back to their jobs rather than trying to continue their 15 minutes), and comes across as douchey, but there is a pretty thick line between being a dumb douche and being a rapist.

I know nothing about this guy’s level of assholeishness, as I don’t watch this show. I only know about this story.

Absolutely! I think that of all the “jokes” recounted here, that’s the one that is closest to really working. I’m a white trans women, and I know without a shadow of a doubt that my whiteness protects me from some transphobia. The thing about Mr. Chappelle, though, is that I don’t think he knows enough about the

His jokes suck, but this line...