
Perhaps it’s possible that Trump might have said a thing or two during that time period that would cause people to reconsider having a positive thought about Trump.

So he came around WELL before the election and became one of Trump’s most outspoken critics. What’s your point?

It’s kind of amazing to me this isn’t happening way more. With the majority of players in the NBA being African American, I would think they would all be feeling pretty shitty having to stay at those hotels.

Good catch :)

Well. I guess that’s the cherry for today’s shit-sundae.

This article reminds me of my ex husband, and my mother.

Can you read? He is literally doing the opposite of what you claim.

I feel like this criticism, while maybe not entirely invalid, is going to great lengths to make perfect the enemy of the good.

Maybe I’m missing something, but I feel like this post is a weird attempt to take issue with Falahee’s statement despite the fact that there is nothing wrong with it.

Also, using a brace helps in the interim with ITB pain. Literally magic. Using that for a few months while training or strengthening the problem areas is a huge help. Would definitely try that (can get for $15) before an expensive doctor visit.

Yeah, not sure why everyone is so happy about this...? Sounds unhealthy, and I’m saying this as someone whose sexuality was pretty much awakened when she watched Star Wars and saw Han Solo in his tight, tight pants being a badass.

They have no idea what they are doing they have no idea what they are doing they have no idea what they are doing they have no idea what they are doing

Yours is coming. Trump goes on trial for fraud and violations of the RICO act before the month ends. Unfortunately that won’t stop him from taking office, but it will likely keep him from finishing his term. Great choice you made. Hillary who was investigated and no charges filed, and Trump who has up to 20 years of

How is it going to work that his kids get security clearance when they’re running his businesses? There’s supposed to be a firewall there.

Meh, not enough mentions of “Sand Dahkeys” if you ask me.

In fairness they were a gateway band for me. Back when they came out first I was a teenager and an uncle of mine noticed the CD one time he was over to visit.

The punk scene arose, and thrived (in North America, to me at least) as a large part as a response to the election of demagogues like Nixon and Reagan. This playlist is timely on many levels, despite the inclusion of so many completely not-punk songs. ;)

Go read Slashdot. Or find another site that cares about your dull, feverish indignation over a story that doesn’t fit your constipated idea of what a particular website owes you. Your browser probably goes to other sites. Maybe they’ll think you’re clever at Pando.

I hope they are so you people go away.