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In honor of the Cubs, this wonderfully horrible song from a few years ago:

The end of his career as the first black players are admitted into pro basketball?

Yes, if American Sportsball coaches were in shape. Most would look like trussed sausages in suits that formfitting.

They weren’t always magical.

If it helps, the DVDs come in a replica IPS truck

OFF TOPIC: Is it just me, or does the majority of the Gizmodo commenteriat just HATE Gawker media? Seriously, look at the comments on Trotters post. It’s abysmal.

Treason, sedition and rape. Man, that’ll be one sweet post-election party.

Is she wearing a floor-length black dress as well?

I think it’s a combination of both. Some think the women he grabs by the pussy should consider it a badge of honor, because it shows he deems them “beautiful” and grab-worthy. Yeah, they’re that warped.

Why is his wife dressed as an emoji?

I think this looks pretty bad for him, and not something he can spin into typical Trump bullshit.

Sic Semper Cutler!

I find Liza Snyder hot AF.

That’s how I discovered King of Queens and now I owned the complete series!*

As one of the fans of the fan of King of Queens, this new show needs more Arthur.

We also would have accepted John Wilkes Booth.

Did he kill a baby while not paying taxes? Because that’s probably the only thing that would hurt him.

“Yes, but how does the food get to the table? I mean, I SEE the food and other items right here, but how does it get to where it is in the front of you. Where are the silver trays, the goblets...? Is there another section where they keep the footmen. Take me to the footmen section of this food repository...”

Dong tipped. Heh.

Oh, I KNOW he won’t litigate. Threatening to sue is his big play. He thinks it makes him look powerful and he hopes people will forget he threatened to sue. There’s a list somewhere of all the people he threatened to sue and hasn’t gone through.