Yeah.. WHITE yogurt!
Yeah.. WHITE yogurt!
I keep hearing now that police are saying he had a “weapon.” At least I just heard that on NPR.
“OK, so now that it’s out in the open and all...”
I get what you’re saying. It’s not super deep or new territory, but I think his line about “what he’s doing is not a threat to America” needs to be repeated more.
Not according to a guy I ignored here the other day who said it’s all Obama’s fault. It started with him, according to Random Internet Idiot.
Mr. Trump says that we can simply bomb them more.
And also this. I mean, on what will our future presidential candidates base their empty, fear-based election promises without this?
I can think of three reasons why he looks so smart... the glasses, the smile and ... uh...
Between this and the White Sox season I need to just stop watching sports.
I’m in Boston. I hear people bitching and moaning about the Red Sox if they lose a game.... AND THEY’RE IN EFFING FIRST PLACE! The same with the Patriots. They were moaning about Brady missing four games and I had to convince some of them that at the WORST they would go 2-2.
Reinsdorf’s problem is he’s too loyal to a fault. He has surrounded himself on BOTH of his teams (Bulls and White Sox) with former players and longtime employees who have worked their way up the ladder. Problem is...THEY’RE NOT GOOD AT THEIR JOB! From the bench to the front offices to the goddamn base coaches. I love…
I guess we are sorta. It’s just when you say “He’s fooling them” it sounds like he’s actively doing something to deceive them and he’s not. He’s being himself and they choose to accept and support that.
I put threesomes on my list of things that are “Better In Theory Than In Practice.”
I always wanted to have a room full of inflatable furniture filled with helium floating above the floor and tethered. It would not only make vacuuming easier but make it fun to say “Pull up... (snicker) I mean DOWN a chair!” Seven year olds would love me!
Ha! I yelled out those EXACT words in a bar while talking about a Bears-New York Giants game once. I regret nothing. But, yeah, I remember that.
Sure, Trump did what he always did which is fly by the seat of his pants and make a bunch of shit up in response, but that’s what you want the world to see about Trump.
At this point, reporters asking about the emails is like continually asking a band to “play that one song” when there are bunch of other songs of there’s you should be listening to.
If it helps, the full name of the Clinton Foundation is “The Clinton Foundation and Wild West Steakhouse.”