
I like your screenname.

Has LaRoche came out in support of Trump yet?

I was about to argue with you, but as a White Sox fan I got nothing. I’m spending most of my time avoiding my Cubs-fans friends on Facebook.

“Hey, I gotta go play first, could one of you guys watch my kid for me?”


Clearly he’s a RAAAABID anti-FamilyFirst

As a White Sox fan, I’m embarassed that my dumb-ass team is beginning its season in this dumb-assed way.

Now THAT’S what would make baseball more exciting: running starts by the pitchers!!! Chris Sale? TWO HUNDRED MILES PER HOUR!

Sweaty man here, too. I sweat merely walking down the street. I’m about 210, 6-2 but I sweat like I’m 400 pounds. When I go for a run, sweat is running down my face like it’s coming out of a faucet by the time I get home. I walk to the subway in 45 degree weather wearing a jacket and by the time I get there, there are

If “Making the Team” was about a WNBA team, I’d watch.

I assume the letters stand for “Mavericks Fan For Life.” The picture... I dunno, is that from the CW show “Arrow”?

And the insinuation that the others in the organization aren’t family first is insulting too.

I would imagine so. I’ve see/heard stuff in locker rooms that probably aren’t fit for a 14 year old. I’d imagine that some players may occasionally want let off steam or tell a racy story or throw shit and curse because they struck out but there’s this 14 year old kid walking around... He could have been a nice kid,

Sale—who could probably murder someone and get the okay from Sox fans and players

Yes, I meant when he was a player. I was a sports reporter some time ago.

Not just Ozzie. His kids, Ozzie Jr. and Oney, were there every fucking day and they were much younger than LaRoche’s kid. In fact, when I was covering the team, his kids were there and they were about 4 and 5 or something. I remember the clubhouse manager used to give them piggyback rides.

Pro American? Do some fucking research...

All in the name of “no gay.” Strange.