
While I’m empathetic to ppl of that plight, Foxstar makes a good: Low rank IS the easy mode. Monsters don’t hit as hard so ppl can learn the patterns and techniques to succeed in HR where there’s only a few more new monsters introduced but all the previous monsters’ atk patterns remain the same. If new players are

Isn’t Murata busy with One Punch Man doe? Or does he have enough free time to work on both cuz One Punch is already a monthly release so I had assume that it takes that long to draw the art for each chapter...

How ive been targeting specific monsters is through joining SOS. Choose your monster, what rank, and more often than not, available rewards (joining quests after 10min = less rewards). Afterwards mash X or A until you see a quest pop up. Never really bothered with sessions other than playing with friends. SOS will be

I would add Dragonball Fighter Z too!

Dammm, some of those came out really bad... I would think it depends on the lighting in the scene, maybe some of those had the light become an equivalent of a flash = flat and unflattering.

Ey Jason, what’s your opinion on Youtubers’ painting EA in a bad light? Your article mentions that developers feel demoralized from reading and hearing all this bad press about EA. Should consumers not be angry with all the mess EA has done over the years to the developers that consumers cherish? But from this article

A MH vet here, wanted to chime in and totes agree with you with the dog idea, I would love to see a dog helper substitute added in the future

we got to gittest guddester

“Monster Hunter is much closer to Dark Souls”

Ah kk, good to know!

I was wondering the same thing when i read “small LA apartment” while being part of team Dallas. In normal sports, are players suppose to live in the city they play for? I dont really watch sports...

lol that’s a pretty cute comic

I don’t play HotS but that was mecha anime AF! At this point, I’m failing to understand why Blizzard/Activision create a sub division for animation...

It’s grindy my guy... If that’s the itch you need scratching

Agreed, for awhile i thought i failed the test, but for me the hands the way the skin looks in the left arm gave it away. I didn’t notice the armpit area until y’all mentioned it

....I’m guessing it’s not mac compatible on steam?

The misconception for that saying was that there was a belief that sitting closed made ppl need glasses (Ive also been scolded many times), that’s pretty much debunked. The last I read was that the lack daily exposure to UV rays to the eyes what’s causing myopia.

Never played FFVII, thinking I knew the whole story from what’s usually highlighted on the internet... All that back story with Barret, im guessing I have a lot more plot holes then I’d expect. Also, I would have enjoyed the video more if I had played a considerable amount of traditional JRPGs in my past, I think I

3. I gave my OG PS4 to my little cousin, been trying to foster her into the first female gamer in my family. I guess it helps that her dad also plays games too

First playthrough, I wanted to Sayori my waifu which made the last couple of conversation at school and back at home of the first act all the more devastating. Didn’t really understand her poems until her last one which cemented that dark feeling in my gut of what was might/will happen. No doubt, I was salty in