The light can’t be turned off, I’ll give you that. It can be dimmed,however. The built in speaker is used in a lot of games I it definitely gets used.
The light can’t be turned off, I’ll give you that. It can be dimmed,however. The built in speaker is used in a lot of games I it definitely gets used.
Can players change the controls?
Can you set up custom controls?
I really wanted to play that but it was on the Wii.
If I can’t be a ninja in feudal Japan... there is no power fantasy to be had for me
Maybe my opinion is in the minority.That said, the point is, if you want to show off your art or costume design skills...enter. If you want to get paid, apply for a job.
Chances are pretty high that it would get you other work though.
They probably couldn’t play well playing correctly. It would be very easy to play with a controller or keyboard,which isn’t what the game is about.
Let’s be clear... if it’s not being played with a dance pad, it’s being played wrong.
One of the few things good about 360, Gears. Makes me wanna play them again.
Betty and the old man’s dancing after completion of her music quest was everything. Betty is cool.
What kind of artstyle did you expect after Advent Children?
It sure seemed like ps3 gamers were the minority and basically told to shut up and deal with it. I don’t like the idea of exclusives. That said, it’s hard to feel bad for people. A lot of the people complaining now were probably the ones cheering when their 360's got exclusives. That said, I feel bad for the ones that…
Yet, at the end the woman seemed to have gotten the closure she needed. She even said she would let go of the grief.
Did you watch the video? At the end she said she would let go of the grief.
I still haven’t gotten over the ps3/360 days when MS bought up all the dlc and exclusives they could and no one felt bad for the players that only had a ps3. Now the tide has a turned a bit and everyone is mad at Sony as if MS didn’t start this practice.
People with too much time on their hands...
No I wouldn’t. Let’s not pretend you know me. I even said in another post that if a white person did a Black Panther cosplay, I would think it’s a bit funny but as long as the costume is good, who cares what color the person is under the costume and mask?
Well it shouldn’t me. It’s legit a whole dang suit.
To be honest, I’m not sure,. When i mentioned props, i was referring to the characters personal effects. Example, Link from Legend of Zelda would need his sword and shield. The sword and shield would be the props I was referring to.