who is Hilda?
who is Hilda?
well the suit had muscles so a female version needs boobs.
That initial picture had me wondering who the heck the guy was supposed to be,then I read the title of the article... seems to be another Dontay
This seems ... late. I am curious if any PS4 players actually care of about this game. I guess we will see soon enough.
You and me both man. I want the new Soul Calibur,Dragon Quest, and Persona 5. Don’t get me started on still wanting to play Yakuza 6 haha. I like CoD and may get it eventually. Probably not for the full $60 though.
I wish that was true
These probably are the best unfortunately
You make good points but I happen to like the single player modes as well as mutli-player so I guess I need to vote with my wallet again. The good thing about gaming is there are way too many games to be hung up on one game that removed a mode I liked. I’ll just play other stuff. No big deal for me or the CoD devs. A…
I was surprised it was out already as well.
I do consider Overwatch half a game. I have it and have sat down and played it maybe 4 times. I never liked Bioshock, but it was always considered a 1 player experience. People are calling this half a game because they removed the single player mode it has had for forever.
I have said it many times for many games so...
“According to the Japanese, it’s extremely disrespectful to the fish (who gave it’s life) and the people who work in the fishing industry.”
Coming from a guy that grew up in Illinois away from beaches, I can tell you that I knew it looked wrong from the initial gif. Having seen the ocean at least one time,whether in person or on tv, anyone would know the water here look nice,but also looks wrong.
Play Final Fantasy XIV. Plenty of Hyur,Lalafel,Roegadyn,Miquote,Elezen, and Au Ra men running around scantily clad. Legit seen a bunch of guys of various races in undies or various types with glow sticks dancing around in Rhalgr’s Reach the other night.
In Brazil and Colombia they are quite common. Dominican Republic too.
It actually doesn’t seem out of place. Even if Dead or Alive decided to wimp out and town down the fan service, it’s nice that Soul Calibur is keepin it real, so to speak. That said, Ivy has always had a silly costume... but meh, it’s just a game. It really is no big deal,especially when we have real world problems to…
Gues I need to watch Glow now. I loved Knives Chau.
Geralt is meh, so i don’t care who plays him. I’ll watch.
Not sure why you think Geralt needs anything more than a mediocre actor. They are lucky to have Caville.