
Oh wow—LH should definitely mention this in the article. I thought the extension was going to be useless for me because I almost never shop for books—I go to the library first. If I’m on Amazon to buy a book, it’s either because I’ve already read it through my library and want to buy it for myself, or because I can’t

I may be misunderstanding, but followshows has this feature as well. Click your name in the top right corner, click “Your Shows (tracker)” and bam. Everything you’re following, what episode you watched last, how many you have to catch up on, what aired last, and what’s coming up next on TV.

Hmm, I don’t think this quite works.

Unless you’re autistic/ADHD/anyone who experiences hyperfocus, in which case you spend 2 hours trying to get started and then 4 hours straight working and if you take a single break it’ll take another 2 hours to get your focus back..

Not to undermine your point, but people actually do. Not as much with cancer (though it certainly happens) but this is a huge issue that people with chronic illnesses face. We are absolutely told we could get better if we just “wanted” to or “tried” hard enough. Unfortunately our society is terrible to ill individuals

I would love if people would universally adopt this and stop complaining about “slow walkers.”

Alternatively, blackout curtains + one of those alarm clocks that simulates sunrise and wakes you up naturally. Friend of mine in college had that set-up because the college installed a floodlight right underneath her dorm window. Works pretty well, if you don’t mind not having ~natural~ sunlight.

I’m also autistic and do the same thing. For the longest time I thought “good eye contact” meant just staring at people in the eye all the time... when I found out you’re only supposed to hold eye contact for 7-10 seconds, I was flabbergasted. Who makes up these rules?!

It definitely has aspects of both. One thing that may help is to consider that almost any sampling you do is going to be convenience sampling. Unless it’s focusing on a very specific, small population (e.g., your friend group) that you are able to completely randomly select from, it’s a convenience sample.

We can’t

Convenience sampling is when you’re a senior psychology student and the only participants you gather for your thesis project are the other students at your college. Hence, you take participants that are the most “convenient.”

So, in iOS 9, I always wanted to be able to put my music on shuffle and then delete Up Next songs I didn’t care to hear at that moment. Instead, I could only move them around, which led to a game of stacking up songs I wanted to hear and pushing what I didn’t want to hear to the bottom and hoping I didn’t forget about

Whelp. Guess all my friends should cut me out of their lives. I’ve definitely broken promises/neglected responsibilities more than three times, because I’m chronically ill and sometimes my body throws me through the blender. And I have heard (mostly from my family, luckily my friends are more understanding) “well

Thanks, I’ll do that when I stop being disabled and unable to drive. :)

AeroQC - Thank you. That’s exactly what I need this week actually, since I seem to have come down with a cold. :)

Well, I’m chronically ill. I go to college full time (double majoring and graduating a semester early, which means extra full class loads), work 10-20 hours a week, and am on the exec board of two student groups (president for one, public relations for the other). I need to use a motorized wheelchair walking any

“Campus buildings tend to be air conditioned”

You see the problem is I can’t cancel “lying on the couch feeling like death for an indeterminate amount of time,” which is what mostly seems to eat up my time.

Yeah, echoing that you’re still going to want to plan like this even if you do have kids.

The inability to charge a phone and listen to music at the same time is a dealbreaker for me.

I... always forget that for most people who aren’t chronically ill, heat is mostly just uncomfortable. If the temperature gets above about 78 for me, I start getting dizzy, nauseated, and am at risk for fainting and having a seizure. So, I can’t really test this out.