
I can’t even believe this. I’m old, but I remember as a kid in the late 70s and early 80s reading about the whole concept of vaccines. It made perfect sense: Give your body a dose of some almost-dead enemy pathogens. Your body’s defenses kick the collective ass of said pathogen all while remembering all of that

Am I supposed to be relieved by this? This man knowingly and willingly exposed his partners to a potentially life threatening disease without their consent. At least one contracted the disease.

Just out of curiosity, do you feel that way about meat and leather, too?

Also not supporting fur, but it remains very weird to me how many people are ardently opposed to wearing fur but have no problem whatsoever supporting factory farming.

I don’t normally defend Bieber but Canadians are allowed to wear fur. It’s his heritage.

Throw in some flesh-colored stubble and you’ve got Jeffrey Dahmer.

And maybe some late-term effects of radiation.

It must have something to do with loosing a world war because Japan is the same.

I didn’t mean to imply you were, I just wanted to emphasize that bit because given the audience I am anticipating people making the argument without thinking about the racism in the standards. Given the number of people who didn’t see any problem with Tilda Switson’s e-mail exchange with Margaret Cho, I have

That poor tree. Killed to make about the ugliest Christmas Tree ever.

Alabama sucks at everything.

How is this different to every relaxer? They all cause chemical burns, hair loss and breakage. Relaxers are dangerous chemicals by design. If they weren’t, they couldn’t straighten hair.

A very nice High School pal of mine who’s now a doctor was one of the medical professionals who went down to help with the outbreak. As you’d expect from a bad movie, the poor guy accidentally needle-stuck himself and had to be quarantined for 3 weeks. He, fortunately, did not contract Ebola. However, the drugs they

Hey this will fuck all of us, and not in proportion to each person’s enthusiasm for Trump. Some affluent retired bigot who doesn’t have grandkids will probably enjoy watching the country burn; they have very little to lose from the erosion of civil rights, institutions and democracy, or threats to children, minorities

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: it’s a good thing that the Trump conflicts of interest aren’t over something truly sinister, like helping African children who have AIDS.

Oh shit. This is going to cause profound changes.

It might be a weak-point in American conservativism that they can’t really do what the Polish Law & Justice Party is doing, and marry economic nationalism and subsidies to hard-core social conservative policies. Or at least I hope that’s the case. Trump aside, Republicans don’t have much to offer anyone who isn’t


Playing fair makes us liberal/progressive. Abandon that and we have nothing.

The problem is that being truly progressive, tolerant and liberal is not supposed to be easy. Once you compromise, they win.