
I’m going to buy a Giga pet and just focus on that for the next 4 years k bye

Most of the people I know who like him aren’t bad.

The problem is not so much that Donald Trump would be an awful President and set the country back - he would. But it would be really hard for any one man to truly destroy the country no matter how hard he tries. Especially when a substantial part of his own party despises him.

I’d like to throw out a congratulations all the smarmy people who thought that Trump wouldn’t have a chance. If you’re a minority in any way shape or form you know that most of the country is still racist, sexist, xenophobic etc. The people who voted green make me sick.

2016 is happening. This is the most 2016 thing to happen since Brexit similarly exposed the vast number of closeted bigots in my country. I have everything crossed that common sense still prevails for you guys (and for all of us).

I don’t want to give Pepe the Frog Trumpers more credit than they deserve, but this sure seems like trolls trolling the Trump trolls to make them look even stupider. And for what it’s worth, I’m thinking they’re doing a bang up job of it.

Love this! I am surprised by how excited I am. I know a lot of people voted early and were encouraging as many people as possible to do so. I decided to wait until today, because it’s my birthday, and I’m so happy I did. It feels really wonderful to cast my ballot for the first woman president of this country. I think

About the fascination with royalty: I guess we all wanna be ruled with an iron fist by our “betters”?


That cameltoe, omg

South Carolina in the news again. Yay.

I already voted for Hillary Clinton last weekend. I became paranoid that I would get in an accident or something before election day. Besides voting for Clinton, I really wanted to vote for Tammy Duckworth against Kirk.

The concert was held to urge young black voters—many of whom have been resistant to supporting Hillary

The funniest thing to come from this has been Trump whining at a rally yesterday saying that he doesn’t need Beyonce, Katy Perry and the like to be with him. Here he is, just him, and he is good enough.

This is seriously awful for Michael Buble and his family. Literary every parents worst nightmare. I hope he pulls through :-(

Craig reminded me of some of the dudes who comment on Jez.


With the way the rest of 2016 has gone, I think its about damn time Meteor gave us the health care plan we’re all need.

Seven more days...

Oh there is one person happier than Ina: Jeffrey.