
Thanks, will definitely call and get everyone I know to call as well.

Shit, I would vote for neither. Instead I would run and promise to resign after legalizing marijuana and buying alcohol before noon on Sundays nationwide.

They wanted it repealed, and just believed that Republicans would take care of them. So many people have forgot about the fight for healthcare reform long before Obama was elected. They seem to have imagined that there was a lengthy back and forward between to sides with real solutions, when only one side ever

I do believe there was a small minority of Trump voters who really believed he would do some of things he said. I’ve heard some really sincere people who truly believed that he would roll back Obamacare and give them an affordable option. But so far has he put forward anyone who he is even remotely qualified to do

So far Trump has put forth some competent, but morally bankrupt people. I was one of Sessions constituent for most of my life, and he is from my mother’s hometown. I don’t personally know him or anyone who can claim to be an acquaintance, but I have heard stories about his backwards ways. He is known for his blue

I’ve been trying to wrap my head around that. He’s insulted women’s appearance during rallies, and you saw all of these older overweight women cheering him on. It’s like they block out anything that would make Trump less appealing, even if it’s coming right out of his mouth and you’re in the room. Makes me think there

Trump is horrified of being alone with the wolves. He has no idea what he is doing so he has to surround himself with friends to protect him and cover up his massive lack of knowledge on everything. The only people who he truly trusts is his family, so he’s trying his damnedest to get either his kids or Kushner

Rand Paul has always been kind of like Can’t Get Right from the movie Life. His heart seems to be in the right place and he does have some good qualities and ideas, but he’s just not quite right. He could be a good Republican, but his white guy objectivist blinders prevent him from seeing the big picture.

I can see Obama stepping up and leading the party from the wilderness. He seems to be genuinely shocked. I don’t see him going quietly in the night and letting the country go into chaos. I doubt he’ll be directly countering Trump, but hopefully he can provide leadership to the party and prevent us form tearing each

I would die of happiness if pig bottom Pence was outed. It’s the Christmas miracle we as a country need and deserve.

He’s not going to age. He’s not bothered at all about being viewed as an incompetent idiot as longs has he wins wins wins. He’s not going to take any of this seriously. He’ll pretend like the decisions made by his handlers are his own, make a little fuss before he rubber stamps whatever is put in front of him to

Ha, goodbye Washington Post, hello National Enquirer.

These guys are just opportunists and are vying for favor. The ones that are rushing to gush over him are showing us that they cannot be trusted and will only speak truth to power when it’s in their interest. Journalists in Mexico and around the world have shown so much courage, even when they knew they were almost

Welp. Everybody’s falling in line real fast. Let’s see whose gonna actually check President Trump.

I’m shocked at how little introspection there is from the left. We lost because there is a lot of hate in America, the hate that we’ve been trying to prove existed for years. But we also lost because enough of us did not show up to vote. This can’t be just blamed on Clinton being a weak candidate who failed to

Who thinks Jeff Sessions is going to be Trumps supreme court nominee? I know that racist albino gopher is going to have a prominent role in his administration and it makes my stomach turn.

I agree, dems do have ties with big pharma, but so do Republicans. In my very red state, pharmaceutical lobbyists basically write legislation. They’ve been especially helpful in increasing access to opioids and their opposition to medicare expansion, on top of cutting funding for clinics, has left a lot of people

I understand the sentiment, but I just feel sorry for them. I met one Trump supporter who said she decided to support Trump because her mother could no longer afford her medicine. She blames crony capitalism and somehow identifies Democrats with big pharma. She does not see how an expansion of medicare in our state

I voted in one of the most conservative districts in the country, but also one of the most diverse. I was seriously considering not voting since most incumbents were running unopposed and Trump will probably win by at least 20% in my state. But it felt good. I was really happy seeing so many young black people voting

Wow. I’m far from a food snob but my jaw is on the floor. Velveeta on a steak. That makes my stomach and head hurt.