Right wing people and republicans are a danger to America. They are violent psychopaths.
Right wing people and republicans are a danger to America. They are violent psychopaths.
LOL wut?
Thats like telling people to smile.
There is nothing more American than stealing beer.
But I think what we can all agree on is that the world would be a better place if trump were dead. And thats whats really important here. Not by assassination. But by too many big macs or shoddy wiring in one of his run down buildings starting a fire while he sleeps. Or maybe he falls down some stairs, thus…
And having a president that is positive and expresses positive sentiments. Dad left and now we have an abusive step-dad.
Can we have Obama back? I miss having a real president...
I hope trump dies in a fire. In trump tower.
You are racing to the bottom.
In the wild, the males are more transitory, and the females really only want them around when they are in a mood to breed.
Fuck you, asshole. Grow up, kid.
Wow, a racist asshole makes a racist asshole comment. Fuck you.
“The other side” does not give a shit what we do. They are gaslighting you/us.
No. Fuck that. This is life or death now. Civility is dead until sanity is restored to the country.
Nazi skinhead groups in the 80's and 90's all had names like, “Proud Boys” or variants of that.
How uncivilized. Seriously though. Fuck these right wing shit for brains.
Can I make it any more obvious?
Because locking animals who need to be out in the African plain into cages and small habitats makes them behave in unusual ways? Imprisonment tends to do that.
No one should every listen to or believe anything a right wing person says. They’ve been trained to lie and gaslight by their party “leaders”. They are a party of trolls and shit-posters.
Fuck you, asshole.