
I’ve been very lucky at Ross with finding CK underwire bras for less than $20.

I’ve been very lucky at Ross with finding CK underwire bras for less than $20.

Filed to: Like the deserts miss the rain. lol

“I was trying to explain that all hospitals are required by law to treat patients in need of emergency care regardless of their ability to pay and that the Republican plan does not change that,”

+1 speedy descent into hell for you.

I cannot get enough of this Fyre Festival Failure. Its SO funny to me. Keep the updates coming!

If there are no cabs/ubers/lyfts in your area you can call your local fire department or police department and they will have to give you a ride home (for free). Since you notified them that you are intoxicated they become liable if they refuse to drive you home and you get in an accident. (I’m an substance abuse

Not an asterisk, a new title: Thief Justice Gorsuch.

If this doesn’t work for him, he could always just say his pants were on fire.

I felt bad for this woman. I was directly behind her and I could see everything, and so could everyone else behind her - thank God she was wearing underwear. I came into the class right before it started so I didn’t see her standing up until it was over but when I did, I could plainly see her thighs through the

I bought a $5 glass water bottle at Ross a couple of weeks ago. It came with a coozie around it so I’m not worried about it breaking. You can find inexpensive “environmentally friendly” water bottles lots of places. Idk if the kids are allowed to have glass containers in school though.

Airline staffer of 20 years, here.

Man, when I was a kid and we flew as passholders women and girls had to wear dresses, tights, and dress shoes. Men had to wear blazers, slacks, and dress shoes.

As a child (many years ago) I often had to wear nylons, heels, and a little girl navy suit when traveling non revenue, space available.

When my sister worked for United, we all had and followed the dress code for people getting basically free flights. And often, she and her kids would end up in first class. I really don’t see anything wrong with this policy. The passengers using the pass should have been aware of it too and dressed appropriately.

We understand that Colorado is educated. But what about Colorodo?

he lost colorado because most of us can read

Careful... Ice can go into some machines and get trapped in the water blades. I have a gourmia and it can for mine.

I keep a submersible aquarium pump next to my sink for tasks like these where water circulation is nice. I’ll throw in meat to defrost in the left tub of my sink along with the pump and things will defrost ultra quick. Basically the same concept, just the other direction.

Remember when Hillary was accused of having no stamina?

I can’t think of anything my husband did in front of my parents that was embarrassing to *me*, but one of my mom’s and my favorite stories is embarrassing to my husband and he just loves it when we bring it up every chance we get.