Unless that bloodied nose is First Nations. Then it would be showing up on the back of her head, and no one would care. She’d be lucky to get a body bag.
Rope is not a required item.
Yeah, because an 11. y.o. can get mowed down for looking at a gun in a store, and countless black people have been summarily executed for”maybe having something in their hands” makes THAT a safe fucking proposition, Sparky. Thanks for voting for more of us to die at the hands of shitty white people/LEOs (where those…
While I understand the sentiment, I’m gonna say “No, across the board.” For the same reason I disagreed with the housemate having her sister (still actively meth addicted) over yesterday to hang out with her (the sister’s) kids.
Stress is a very real thing.
Shit they ran out of Funyuns in Oregon and surrendered.
See also, Yul Brynner.
Thank you.
Yeah, but they were WHITE people, so it was okay.
Yup, and I can’t spend four hours a day on the toilet, either.
“Most aesthetic” my ass. What a stupid, subjective opinion you’re trying to pass off as “just the truth”.
Something like half the people who go to med school don’t end up practicing as doctors.
Because it’s still very much a “who do you know” apprentice-type situation. Most male cardiologists really are fucking assholes, and most women I’ve met in medicine don’t want to work with assholes for 20+ years to inherit a business.
Amazon has restocked, I bought one three days ago, it arrived yesterday.
Black people always die first. Don’t you watch horror films?
Not for a non-Republican. If you’re a Republican, lies, slander, and ignorance are what get you elected.
There is no way being a prosecutor will not end up with some black peopel going to jail. Because some of them will be criminals who actually deserve it. Given the famously racist and shitty acts of CA’s police force and prison system, there will also be innocent people who get railroaded.
None of that is specifically…
She refused AG when Obama offered, and she does not seem interested in it now. What she wants for her life is more important than what you want for her life.*
*this also applies to all the people trying to talk about how they want Michelle or Oprah, or whoever.