
Not for wytpipo it hasn’t. For us, new boss, same as old baas. 

This is the stupidest fucking take. 

Changed plea to guilty?

Yes, because no matter what bad shit black men do, black women HAVE to be equally as bad or worse, amirite? Rite?

Damn dude, I usually like your input, but this is fucking trash, all the way.

Let’s hope they cover this article.

I’ve thought he was a slimy POS from Day 1. Glad to see other people realizing this. 

Defense and white tears. 

Nah, antiblack people don’t my vote, and he is hella antiblack. Yes, he’s hired some people to help his image out, but fuck him. 

Bullshit. I’ll wait for your citations. But I know they won’t be coming, because they don’t exist.

Figure out when your opinion is your opinion and own it, rather than trying to pass it off as fact to people clearly smarter than you.

And even if we -are- doing that, so fucking what? Ofays been doing that since forever. It’s only bad when WE do it. 

And that all locations had public transport and were disability-friendly. Oh, they weren’t? Silly me. 

No, it takes hours. 

Suuuuure, Jan. 

What if I don’t give 3/5ths of a damn?

Nowhere in that entire article does it give the recipe for her hot dish, or even describe it. Ultrafail.


Aaaand here is exactly the Bernie bro bullshit that 15 bots upthread were —ASSURING— us ‘doesn’t actually exist’.


It’s too bad then that for every “nice” Bernie supporter there are 15 screaming shitbirds. 

AFAIK, it does not. 

This is not about her in the least bit. But apparently she rents a three story Victorian condo in your head. I love that you think of her all the time and stroke your mini hate boner. You can’t stop being completely unhinged.