Mmmmm, haggis.
Mmmmm, haggis.
As much as I might not like it, you’re right.
Klobuchar’s a cop.
Bernie bros are running around calling people “Hillbots” even now, and making it VERY clear that whatever tent Bernie is under, it’s only for True Believers. Call me a centrist all you like, but I’m not dancing with those who don’t want me in there with them, either.
Sure, that’s the Bernie line...we’ll see what happens Super Tuesday. I’m not too worried about the almost completely lily-white states before that. In my experience, every time I’ve heard this line, the candidate the person saying it is supporting, goes down in flames. See Perot, Nader, Gore.
Since there’s no such thing as GOD, and if there were according to his own followers he is everywhere, you’re an idiot.
STILL waiting for KLOBUCHAR IS A COP to trend. Gee, I wonder why it isn’t?
Awwww, is poor baby not getting what he wants from society?
Awwww, is poor baby not getting what he wants from society?
I read that book last year. I did not realize Pascoe was Aboriginal. I seriously have to go back to reading the liner notes on everything.
Okay, you’re a completely insincere dumbass, and fuck anyone for believing a word you type.
Feel better now?
Even more joke fodder. Excellent.
“Buttigieg exclaimed. “I’m here to help you!”
FOH witcha godbothering bullshit.
It’s “whaling”, and “because they want to.”
It’s certainly a reason I can’t be “black enough” and why I got rid of xtianity altogether. Why hang out with people who explicitly don’t want me around, in my off-work time?
The most notable one is already a Death Row prison. Burn them all.
*thinks about actual definition of vomitorium*
*approves anyway*
I was patted down at the entrance to a Dead show. When she was done I turned back to her, and said “You missed a spot.” Yeah, she was cute.
I haven’t fired a gun in 3 years, nor do I “mess with chemicals” other than toiletries. I am ALWAYS extra patted down and swabbed.
It’s the racism, not the victim-blaming.
Sadly the safety record for civil aviation is not great.