
No, they really aren’t any more skinny on average than any other group.


Go fuck yourself, asshole.

I knew Ishoulda printed out that troll list and taped it to the wall of my office.

I think you learned the wrong lessons. I was adopted into a white family and raised in a white place. I feel you on not getting the cultural environment that would have felt like “home”. I am also dating a white person, but at least she’s from another country.

However, in a country of 750 million people, we can’t talk

Only if they’re skinny, pretty, and fucking a white guy. 

that’s because most of the time, one is dealing with US racism. Yes, structural racism can be applied in different contexts, but white people tend to play very, VERY stupid about race, so KISS also comes into play.

When white people en masse show the ability to deal with nuance, is when they’ll get nuanced answers.


Where is ScarJo’s nom! Oh right, she’ll play all three of them in the biopic. 

Am in poly relationship. First night with my then-new gf, we’re in one bedroom in the basement, the hubs is with his gf in the next room. They make a HUGE point about making a lot of noise, becos he wants his wife to be jealous. We are so happy to finally be together (we live in different countries) we spent the

Look Tutti Frutti, we got over THAT bullshit about 20 years ago. Now we want actual change, not empty platitudes.

Some professions are still doing it.

White-collar crimes kill, too. 

It did. And places like Kansas City had light rail networks.

At least the person being victimized in that one was already dead. 

Levee. Seriously? You think we still have the draft or something?

He’s afraid someone’s going to tell his local grocery and they’ll stop selling him 5 pies/day. If that happens, he’ll have to try to become attractive to -women- and...well that’s unlikely. 

No, she is not. Look at the six dead black kids given to the abusive lesbians, but the lesbians were white, so OKAY!

I live in flyoverland and am not white. There are lots of us, so shove your coastal shit up your ass. I also lived on the West Coast and had more respect for the Midwest even then. Votes matter, everywhere. 

Ah yes the “All labia-havers are totally alike” bullshit, when we have so many identical white men running we can’t tell any of them apart.


Not according to the Danish person whining on my multicultural women’s SF fanpage. I actually had to say, “Since you claim all Danish people are white and blond, you could have this conversation anywhere in Denmark. But you bring “Ariel HAS to be white because HISTORICAL ACCURACY (of a fucking fictional creature) to a

She died becos the Prince was a fuckboi.