
Whoever’s asking those questions can either ask her, or STFU.

Every college student in the nation would like to key your car, along with about 25% of faculty. Feck off ya snob.

Because we want it to apply to Negroes, not yoga moms. 

He didn’t march -with- MLK, he attended a march/rally MLK was a speaker for. Bernie was a fucking guy who showed up in the audience, nothing more.

Oh yes, here’s yet another idiot white guy trying to Columbus history for Bernie. How pathetic that every time they run this up the flagpole, it only proves how pig-ignorant they are of recent history, and how desperate they are to erase the work of thousands of men and women who have worked on these issues for

Gee, us ‘those people’s just never get tired of being told who is best for us, do we?

And Bernie ain’t got shit on the policy front, either. But you go ahead and tell black people how they "all" think, and let us know how it goes, ofay.

Seriously, most Midwesterners think tap water is a fucking “spice”. 

They did mention a red tarp.

Just because something happens to you, doesn’t make it happen the exact same way to everyone else. Your parents and kindergarten teacher apparently weren’t up to teaching you Rule #1 of Not Being Self-Centered.

Okay, I started reading with “No, no no no” in my head, and yeah you did okay, but...the idea of “should you” gets left unaddressed, allowing people to fill in the trope “I should be able to quit after a while” and no, they can’t.

We don’t tell diabetics to quit insulin, we don’t tell myopics to throw away their

Laughing really hard at work. Thanks.

Headcanon accepted. 

Because white people are always gonna white.

Yes, something you personally like, is considered a “bad thing” Gosh, how awful for you and your family for generations. Oh wait, no it’s not.

I -am- surprised...that they were fired rather than promoted. 

I don’t see why every woman has to constantly be ready to beat a man, if men can just stop being creep fuckweasels. Disabled women e ist, so no not “every woman” can be trained.

Yep, they’re the people who couldn’t get through the [bare minimum] process to become cops, so they’re generally actually worse. My brother is a (white) corrections officer. We...don’t talk. 

Quiche envy. 

Hey, that kakapo thought Stephen Fry’s cameraman was TEH HAWT!

It’s almost like this writer has no idea who narrated Planet Earth for the (dumbed down) U.S. market; it was Sigourney Weaver. Further, they don’t really seem to know who Attenborough actually is. Finally they also seem completely ignorant of what Green Porno is, and why Rossellini began it and does it. 

Seriously, AV