The rampant colorism about the use of “light” and “dark, “black” and “white” to signify, cleanliness/purity vs. corruption/evil is incredibly pervasive in Western Civ in general. Most white people won’t even admit it’s a thing.
It is.
The rampant colorism about the use of “light” and “dark, “black” and “white” to signify, cleanliness/purity vs. corruption/evil is incredibly pervasive in Western Civ in general. Most white people won’t even admit it’s a thing.
It is.
It pretty much is the story of life they’ve been fed. All they need to do to succeed at anything is to be a white guy. Which is why so many of them completely lose it when they fail at anything, even if they didn’t try.
See also: Bart Kavanaugh
An anime enthusiast acquaintance who literally lives in his mommy’s basement got a wife and daughter delivery from the Philippines last night. He has NO IDEA how iron that tiny fist is gonna be. Pinay don’t use velvet gloves.
Oh God. I did that and only bruised my ribs. Owwwww.
You can’t make me watch that.
“I’d love to have an open dialogue with you” is translated as “I’d like you to smileandnod as I trot out every racist thing I can think of. If you don’t, you’re not ‘professional’.”
Who has power of attorney? Because I -know- he doesn’t. He can say whatever, it don’t mean jack to whoever actually has the purse strings.
Also, stop asking that old, rancid man questions. Let his dusty ass rot.
Seahawks don’t look quite so dumb, now, do they!
Wait, yes, they kinda do.
I hear you, but I’m tired of every story with black people in it, HAVING to be a redemption story to humanize racists.
Can we get some films where black people didn’t totally love the KKK? ‘Cause this shit is -beyond- old as fuck and tired.
Because they HAVE to be SEEN and annoy black people personally, so they learn they can’t ever be comfortable or accepted.
Peddle your idiotic BS elsewhere, fella.
White privilege is a helluva drug.
If they could mitigate their signature store stench, that would help a lot.
I like para three a lot.
A: yes, and?
B: how you gonna stop it, Ku Klux Kathy?
C:go fuck yaself to death Laura, cuz ain’t nobody else the least bit interested
In grad school in Mpls, one of my classmates was waxing on about how she loved ballet. I asked, “Which live performance is your favorite?”
“Oh, I’ve never actually been to one.”
“Cleveland may be too fast-paced and highbrow for you...”
No, the fact that white people who consider tap water “spicy” and Hellman’s a “world of flavor” will patronize shitty food establishments is not a reason for Pizza Ranch to exist.
Shut the hell up, Norman.
Notice how you didn’t even mention Native Americans?
Which is the opposite of what’s been happening over that last 20 years.