
Mercedes: hold my beer.

Are those golf spikes?


This is a great idea and the perfect balance of nostalgia and modern F1 technology. Hopefully Mr. Phillips does a whole series of these.

Yeah, needs more “make sure to follow me” and “smash that like button”.

Years ago I worked at a shop that had a Snap-On truck roll through each month. Usually we’d spend more than a few minutes BSing with the truck owner, and this particular time one my co-workers was asking him what exactly was covered under the replacement warranty. A 36" breaker bar was the example. As most warranties

Dammit this post is useless without a picture.

Someone found a length a pipe?

I’ll never tire of BMWs headlight arrangement during the shark nose era. I recognize it’s not dissimilar to a lot of designs from the same period, but there’s something about the placement of the housings and how they’re framed by the grill that is just unfuckwithable. Claus Luthe clearly understood how proportional

Ah, the memories. I legit plagiarized that entire bucky ball article for a science class midterm. Got an A on it. Thank you Popular Science!

I think what we’ve got here is a failure to communicate.

Yeah I might have crossed over into hyperbole on that one. I understand that interviewing an expert from the same basic field of research is pretty standard for most journalism, no doubt. It’s just that I was hoping for a tiny bit more analysis.

others had their eyes or tongues missing

Whoa. Some serious mid-90's S10 vibes there.

The best car is several at once.

The clamp side goes on the negative battery terminal, and that little nubbin you see at the other end goes into the original battery clamp. The red-handled switch opens the circuit. You can also remove the handle to make the switch difficult to find. I ran mine through the firewall and mounted the switch under the

I own an older Tacoma that is basically a thief-magnet. Went to scrapyard and found one of these (that come stock on a number of BMW models) :

Ah, okay, I see your point.

I can almost guarantee everyone complaining about that wouldn’t buy it even if it was all new, they’re just complaining to complain

i think atari games may have been even worse.