
A woman scientist will solve this problem. Mark my words, spoken this day.

She must have had an epic collection!

His head looks exceptionally large. And by large, I really mean not proportional.

I'm looking to make a movie in Iraq about a suicide bomber and I'm going to film it on location. Anyone interested in a sweet acting gig?

I am a habitual note taker, and Chapters is my new favorite note taking app. Nice to have a way to do some organizing into a folder-like environment.

@noodle: The important thing is you're not bitter.

@Nigra: What country is telefonica?

It'll be a tough sell to compete against something that works well and is free for the "small-business domain".

@Moskau50: Nature's candy in my hand or can or pie

@Edie Spencer: Meh. I'm a lousy photographer, I just google pictures of places I'm at and post those.

@themightyspitz: Southern Arizona was hotter than fuck. Like always.

I'm fully prepared to lay waste to your entire way of life before I'll let you affect mine. And to prove it, I've got a crapload of horrific weapons at the ready. So don't start getting crazy with me or you'll be sorry. Really sorry.

The last paragraph nails it. HDPC all the way.

Why not feature the epic light show that happens nightly in Hong Kong harbor? That sh*t was fascinating!

How'd you find a pair of pointy heels that fit you, Jesus? I never can.

I don't need an app for this! I spend all day visualizing clothed women naked.

Interesting article, very cool, but so grammatically horrid I now want to gouge out my eyes.

Redwood? Uh, you mean Redmond?