Well-played :)
Well-played :)
Exactly. The point is not to do household chores because you might be rewarded with sex, but because someone needs to do them and you’re available. Factoring in sex still perpetuates the notion that cooking and cleaning is a “favor” men do for women and not part of managing a household like an adult.
Yes. She had a prosthetic butt, too.
Exactly this. Unless you’ve experienced life as a person WHO IS ACTUALLY FAT, you have no claims on the label.
I was going to say something like that, too. I mean, if she can start calling herself fat and we’re all supposed to go “Hey, you label yourself however you want!” then it should go both ways. So now my 5’6”, 240-pound ass is *skinny as fuck*.
Thin privilege is *absolutely* a thing, and I agree completely.
I think you’re on to something.
I think it’s a way of trying to say there’s no pressure to feel the same. But I probably wouldn’t use it, because, yeah, I want a response.
I think it’s the whole “hot woman as status symbol” thing. Nerdy guys think they have lower status, but if they can date a woman who is “worth more” (ugh), then they win some bullshit misogynistic contest that nobody else gives a shit about.
Ugh. “You deserve one!”—like they’re things, given to him for being a good boy >.<
Whoa, I didn’t know Frank Gifford died. I guess I’ve been living under a rock.
One reason I can think of for her not to go to a harder “no” is if he’s the type who’s really good at playing on people’s sympathies. Also, sometimes guys like that can pester women in an indirect way so you’re not always sure what their intent is, making it so you have to bring the subject up yourself in order to…
I thought that was really telling, too. Not “she kept her promise” but “I made her keep her promise.”
The point is it was horrifying to the people experiencing it. Isn’t that enough?
He said himself that he’d been asking her out for years, so my guess is he DID hound her, just like you say.
Judging by her discomfort, I’d guess she was too afraid NOT to go on the date.
The guy himself said he’d been asking her out for years, so, yeah, he definitely asked more than once. Which means she’d said “no” more than once, as well. She shouldn’t have had to.
Yup. This.
Yes, four pounds seventy is the price, and the OP knows it. Congratulations, you found the joke.
Unfortunately, in a lot of cases, you’re probably right.