
Yup. All of which is perpetuated by those with privilege being afraid to lose it.

Did you mean "fundamental misunderstanding of what the theories are..."?

Yeah, I'm not sure what "standard" she's expected to set, here. Shouldn't rapists be the ones who are concerned about "standards" for themselves?

Good question!

Everything in this comment, exactly.

I agree, this is definitely the tone of what she said.

My thoughts on reading her words were that a rapist doesn't care if a victim has confidence in who she is or is very clear about consent, because a rapist will do whatever the fuck a rapist wants to do despite these things. Such is the essence of rape.

It's all well and good to want to empower your child to

Me, too.

Same, here! Well, at least the "RHONY" part, and who the leg-throwing chick is. I do know who some of the other people in the blurbs below are.

I was wondering the same thing, because that's an amazing pun.

I think you have a good point. And the vaccine thing was something she could cling to as a concrete reason. I can see why that would be hard to let go of.

What the hell does that even mean?

I knew a girl like that in school. People were "nice" to her—I don't remember anyone being outright mean, though it may have happened when I wasn't around—so she thought they were her friends, but the rest of us could pick up on their mocking, condescending tone. Which was the point, of course.

I'm also an atheist, so... #notallatheists, I guess :P

I agree.

Gross. I'm glad I missed that.

Absolutely. Pretty much everything he said came across as really narcissistic, passive-aggressive, whiny, and entitled.

The fact that he says he understands she doesn't want to fuck him does suggest they'd already made an agreement that quite clearly did NOT include sex.

Never mind that she has every right to refuse hugging and kissing, and that wanting to do so most certainly IS an expectation. Also, he didn't actually say—explicitly or otherwise—that he didn't want to fuck her, just that he understands that SHE doesn't want to fuck HIM. This suggests he must have tried before

That bugged me, too. Of all the self-congratulatory, entitled bullshit...