
RE New Disqus


Well, the people who think that Tony Soprano didn't die at the end of his big show now have some company.

Is this book required for this class?  And is it going to be on the test?  Because otherwise, I'm not going to read it.

I wish that I had a laughing floor that I could roll on.

OK, probably ten people mentioned it after I stopped reading all of the comments, but I think that Mary Tyler Moore pretty much invented this category, and they did it on purpose.  Mary Richards was purposefully mundane and normal in an insane situation… by herself it would have been the most boring show on

Britain supported the South in the Civil War, and only outlawed slavery in the UK in the 1830's.  I don't think that the Brits really have the high ground on this issue.  To be sure, the South occupies the low ground.

I really hate people who get sitters and then go into town.  Posers.

Unlike Sonia's oddly limited cultural blindspot (I've never seen Last Tango in Paris, but it would be very difficult not to be aware of it), she was clearly kidding about this.

Well, I was greatly exaggerating.  My parents actually love me very much for unclear reasons, and both my mom and dad are pretty much perfect in my book.  So I apologize to the nice people who took what I wrote literally; it seemed like a good joke at the time…. sorry.

Mr. Handlen must be a big shot.  I do not have to go anywhere near a half-mile to find people who do not know that I am alive.  My real problem is that most of the people who know don't care.  Right back at you, mom.

A little-known fact: Peter Tork was the first musician to break his contract by throwing his feces at the other band members.

One of the best soundtracks in history.  I still listen to it at least once a month.

For all its hype about being The Great American Novel, The Great Gatsby was one of ten novels we read in my American Lit class in college, and it was the least memorable book of the bunch.

No movie is good if a dog dies. Old Yeller was enough for me— I quit after that.

Not only that, but first murdered and then raped ALL OVER LONDON.  What the hell happened to British understatement?

Thank you thank you thank you for all of you writing in to say how much you hate California.  The only thing wrong with California is that there are about 5 million too many of you still living here.  The sooner the disaffected pack up and leave, the better for the rest of us.

She wasn't just "in" Hoodrats 2— she was Ghetto Girl Number 3, damn it.

I agree with Stupid to a point.  Robinson's trials as a professional baseball player were tough, and he had to be Jackie F'ing Robinson to live through them.

Another entry for the weird whisper award would be a trick the Doors used in a couple of songs, to have Jim Morrison sing and then overdub his whisper of the same lyrics.  It is weird but effective— it gives his voice an eerie depth.  Think Riders on the Storm.