
Right? I could have put vegetables in that jar. OR JAM. DOES NO ONE THINK OF THE JAM?

I would like to make an addition to the "annoying things about the mason jar trend" is going to a restaurant and getting my water in a mason jar instead of a glass. Why!? It's not preserved water, I just saw you pour it, I'm not going to put a lid back on it and save it, WHY IS IT IN A JAR?!

My mother actually has a vendetta against Pinterest because of the mason jar situation. She cans veggies and preserves and things out of her garden and she blames Pinterest for driving up the price of mason jars in the store and making them harder to find at yard sales. As she says "not only are they making them more

AHHH! Arya killing Sansa without knowing her true identity is something I could totally see happening! It would be the perfect culmination of her assassin training and would solidify her emotional position as a stone-cold badass with no lurve left in her heart. As much as I used to dislike Sansa, I would actually feel


Can the internet use its photoshopping skillz to superimpose this on the last supper?

A group of muscular sweaty men, who call themselves the Bears, holding hands in a shower?

THIS is what goes on in those mysterious showers in Chicago's Boystown? Not nearly as exciting as I imagined.

I know it's still early in the game but Sansa is my pick for landing on the Iron Throne. Tyrion - Hand of the Queen; Brienne - Commander of the Queen's Guard.

Sansa is unlikeable through about the first half of the first season where she acts like a spoiled brat to her own family and is completely ignorant of the real world. That wasn't really her fault though - she was a teenage noble and betrothed to the crown prince, how else would she act? She's at the mercy of everyone

Personally, I think Sansa has one of the a very compelling story-line in the books. Her groth and transformation is more gradual and subtle than the "MAH DRAGONS"-Daenerys Fire and blood yadda yadda and she gets a ton of hate for making perfectly normal mistakes that most 13- year-olds would make. She is constantly

I think people do a whole lotta projecting on these characters. Personally, I think I'm WAY more like Sansa than I'd care to admit: 1) I unfailingly trust the system, 2) I am a believer of fairy tales - the way things 'ought to be', and 3) I am able to convincingly lie to myself about the reality of a bad situation


Now a warning?!

Ah yes, look at how obese I am:

Not in the UK though! The beeb are saying it's iTunes' fault and vice versa. The beeb made it and put it out for crying out loud! If the USA can get it for free, and Blighty cannot, there's 'a rabbit off somewhere'. (Google it ;) )

Now playing

I'm still waiting for Jews in Space Mel Brooks!!

OH MY GOD! This is the best thing ever. I'm a die hard Eighth Doctor fan. The audios are among my favorite DW stories. McGann is my favorite Doctor. And this is so good. His third costume is wonderful. And they made Big Finish canon! He did the same "Get out!" yell from Dark Eyes as well. Oh yay! WOOOOOOOOO! *dances

I would buy tickets to that. At any price, really.