
Whaaaat-everrrrr. I am currently watching this season and I spend every episode screaming.

Yes, if they actually read the book they would have realized Lucy Westenra was Drac's main squeeze (along with the brides) and he fang banged Mina in vengeance after Lucy got beheaded.

Right? Like, I don't have to enthusiastically LOVE my job. I pretty much just have to not hate it. If I don't dread going to work, we're good. :)

Damn it, Kinja.

My historian friend was always disappointed that the direct-to-VHS Pocahontas sequel wasn't titled Pocahontas 2: Journey to an Early Grave

I know if I ever get into that world I'd be a prostitute. A high-class one in Littlefinger's brothel vs a street-walker, but a hooker none the less.

Anyone else just presuppose that in the "Defriended" one the writer is a woman and the guy is a "nice guy" who is flipping his shit that she dare not take his suggestions to heart?

Awwww YES, I've been waiting for Jezebel to get on this. *rubs hands together excitedly*

No, I totally understand. As I said in another reply, he adapted to the modern world much too quickly, when you think a car would have freaked him out. But I also understand this was a pilot which means it's job was to get sold as quickly and as efficiently as possible so I'll forgive it for now to see if the writing

Continent Walker actually sounds pretty badass.

The best in my family are Experience Mayhew, a dude, who was actually kind of awesome because he was bilingual in English/Wampnoag and later learned Pequot (all the better to convert you with, my dear, but—nonetheless!) Also a Mayhew but a girl: Innocence (bet you didn't see that one coming!). A Stuyvesant: Pain.

We already did that. We stopped Nedeljko Čabrinović by changing the fuse and the other conspirators including Gavrilo Princip. Sadly Gavrilo Princip wanted a sandwich later on and went to Moritz Schiller's cafe, where the car with the prince stopped, after going into the wrong street, while on route to visit the

As a robust gentleman, I wouldn't make up a story about someone insulting me for being fat so I could have my fat ass broadcast all over the news and YouTube calling even more attention to my fat self, especially if I were 14 and all my high school classmates would forevermore know me as the fat-ass who couldn't shop

I hesitate to defend Julian Fellowes ever, but how could Matthew be written off the show without killing him? Have him discovered to be the real killer of the Turkish gentleman and send him to a prison even more dull than the one Bates? So dull that they couldn't be bothered to film anything there?

I didn't think it was possible to love Tim Gunn any more than I do, but my heart just swelled to plus-sizes.

Pigeons are adorable. Have you ever seen a mourning dove? Or one with a few white feathers? Freaking beautiful. As for the way they move their neck, that is called strutting aka working it.

Thank you all for the nice comments. I am very surprised to have received a positive response after all of the commotion out there on "teh interwebz." While I do see the point of the comments that essentially say that her sign is risque, if it started a debate that helped everyone see the type of protesting that was

Speaking as a guy, a wet hole is not a wet hole. For example, while intoxicated I have never insert my gentleman's sausage into...

1. Open manholes are often wet (or at the very least moist).
2. A python's cloahca.
3. Sarlac pit
4. The tunneling end of an undersea drill bit
5. A sheep's business
6. A hole poked into mud

"The area is not safe and we recommend leaving, if possible," tweeted Tahrir Bodyguard.

Game of Bones, Clash of Minge, Sperm of Swords, Feast of Ho's, Pants of Dragons, Winds of Wint-whore.... My work here is done.