
Agreed. Register to vote, then get yourself down to the polling place for the midterms on Nov. 4. It does not matter if we get a progressive president in 2016 if he/she has a Congress in conservative hands.

This is why I refer to my conure and cockatiel as "my little dinosaurs". Especially when the cockatiel gets a little bitchy.

I virtually high five you, my fellow spinster!

"She calls unmarried 35-year-olds 'spinsters-in-training'".

This info graphic needs to be made into a poster. I would so love to hang it on the wall next to my sewing machine.

Now playing

Sir, I believe this is what you are looking for.

Of course he did! Read the full story. It's actually very cute how he saw the parrot in the crowd and asked if he could have a closer look. The bird climbed on his hand and addressed him as "Papa"—what the bird calls its owner ("Dad") and what Italians call the Pope (Il Papa). Wonderful picture and story.

Me too. I am an alumna of Eastern Illinois University in neighboring Charleston, IL.

"She was also my field hockey team mom during my senior year of high school..."

I can just hear what my mom's reaction to this would have been had the 19-year-old me done something like this: "If you are enough of an adult to choose to drink prescription cough syrup with Jolly Ranchers dissolved in it then drive an Italian sports car, you are enough of an adult to deal with the consequences."

From what I have read Cliff, the theory you present may be a little incomplete. It is hard to pinpoint the exact year the Little Ice Age began. Some researchers point to Atlantic pack ice thickening in the 1250s as the true start. Humans probably did not see any effects until 1300, when warm summers stopped being a

"It's been a looooong time since I last saw Disney's Cinderella"

I think I dated your ex's brother or similarly minded roomie.

"Raising up Jewish girls is like my favorite thing. The idea that religion is misogynist bothers me."

I have so many stories of this crap on Metra (the train lines that serve Chicago's suburbs) it is not even funny.

I'm on the UK schedule, too. My roomie already tortured me into giving up some plot details.

Last year, Martin confirmed Strong Belwas was not going to appear in the series. There is a chance he may show up in a crowd/battle scene, but not as a distinct character with lines.

"But it seems somewhat likely she'll finally learn to start playing the game instead of being a pawn."

You were right! I tip my fez to you, fellow Whovian.

I'm betting on River Song.