
I'm just glad I'm not the only food preserver hoping for that trend to end. It has jacked up the prices of both new and resale jars around here. Also, stores stock just jars, not lids and rings.

It's mentioned that King Robert hunted down all the Targaryens he could find. This was out of both vengeance and a need to secure his throne by getting rid of any possible rival claims. Any surviving Targaryens ran for it (Dany and Viserys, maybe infant Aegon), had already given up any claim to the throne (Maester

Yes, this. That is one of the ways I see it playing out, too. Littlefinger is backing her, and he would not back someone he did not think had a solid shot. She either will end up Queen in the North, on the Iron Throne, or with a son on the Iron Throne. However, I think the idea that it will be with Harry the Heir is a

I think we are less than 20 years away from not needing human models at all. Instead, the models will be from-scratch digital creations. The clothing/jewelry/makeup the photo is supposed to sell will be cut and pasted in.

What, no soufflé?

Absolutely! Sansa, Cat, Shae (sometimes) and Cersei show the very real ways women were treated in 15th-16th century Europe (the time and place Martin has drawn on for inspiration). It was possible for women to attain wealth, status and power. The main path many used to do that was manipulating the traditional roles of

I don't know if it was Sansa's selfishness that got Ned killed. A good argument can be made that it was more her foolishness and lack of experience led to Ned's downfall. The way Sansa was raised and educated, she was groomed to respect and follow authority. She simply could not imagine a world where Cersei is the

Exactly. Yes, Sansa did some really stupid things, particularly in the first book. For instance, she blabbed to Cersei that the Starks were leaving King's Landing, which led right to Arya's disappearance and her father's death. But, the character is only 13 at that time. And she had been raised to respect and trust

(Spoilers! I warned ya!) Rusty Patti, we are thinking along the same lines. At the least, I think she will eventually be Queen in the North. It certainly is starting to seem like a certain little bird is thinking in that direction. Her chances for the Iron Throne are a little more hazy to me. It may hinge on whether

Good Postman, the hatred of the character of Sansa in GoT boggles me as well. Especially since the book character does not seem to treated with as much contempt by readers. I think it may be from the fact that readers are allowed to get in Sansa's head more since she is one of the POV characters. We can then see that

While I agree that more research should be done on the weathering patterns on the stone used to make the Sphinx, I also agree these guys are morons. Not cool guys, not cool.

I'll give the show the benefit of a doubt. Maybe they are just getting the sexytime robot plot out of the way early.

She'll always be Lisa Swenson to me!

Finally...tramp stamps I can endorse!

Adorable, but not impressive. I have a conure who barks. When I was sick with fever over the weekend, he kept calling for me (even though I was in clear sight on the sofa) to make sure I was OK.

Whooo hoo! Yeeee Haw! So happy when I heard THAT voice!

Coming in fall 2016 from Disney/Pixar "Ippo: A Zonkey's Tail".

Absolutely, thundercatsarego. I am a middle child myself and have been Team Edith since the beginning. She has grown so much as a character, and if she does not get her man in the end, I will throw things in a most unladylike manner.

I have been on Team Edith (middle children of the world unite!) for a while, and I want to scream. Jullian Fellows had better do right by her.

Sorry, I meant RHM.