Young Olu

My ‘06 g35 6speed manual sedan and ‘08 e92 335i were very fun to drive. Inclined to say more fun than the ‘12 550i dinan stage 3 and ‘14 M5 CP that I had afterwards.

I fly twice a week every week and mostly in first class for work. I’m 6'1 240lbs solid, you know how many times I’ve been ask if I play football, cuz yaknow that’s the ONLY way I can afford it....shhhht pisses me off every time. I’ve started telling these mofos off. “It’s rude to assume every big black guy in first

That looks like Sothwest and that is part of the problem. Fly Delta, United, or American, they have more class (see what I did there).

Next time come down to Nashville and hit me up. Wifey and I will show you around.