This is way better than the anal pressure test you'll receive in prison for that 3rd Dewy.
This is way better than the anal pressure test you'll receive in prison for that 3rd Dewy.
Yep. No problem. Not sure if you caught it bought I dropped a qoute from wedding crashers too.
I am quoting the article, Jilin. The Gekko has mechanical bio muscles and a skin on its legs like the scorpion skin. Sorry to have to break it down for you like a small child.
Yeah, or if you Rhino lined the Terminator.
In other news, robots arm themselves with rugged military grade scorpion condoms- Dear God what have we done!?
Eloquently spoken er typed sir. I got you. I agrre with most of that but really it was kinda fun seeing the shit storms and the drama. Like a Charlie Sheen meltdown. Still I have been coming here for 7 or so years daily. Must say that it gave me many a moment of joy, during the Frucci days- in a time (in the AF) where…
Its easy to say all that when he cant even reply its kinda a low blow. You may have good points but you need not spit such fire.
You need the comment extender!
I smell a new how it should have ended.
Oh yeah "Monica"
[] graphic. Man ingested in no. 2 engine (didnt make it out).
I used to for several years- then I had kids. When my son gets a little older I will get a safe and keep a key on a string. Then when he is older I might just move it out to the gunsafe.
Boy, hollywood is really struggling to not die here. I wonder how long they can peddle the DVD fight. If WB only had their own netflix they would be better off.
Funny, I just watched season of the witch...kinda.
That's why my HP came with that pos!
There are no step ares/parts on planes that are weak or easily damaged by the maintainers. Look closer at another plane- you'll see them. Also yes it is made to look as cool as possible because the Gov decides what gets bought, and they loves pretty planes.