
@casmith07: Yeah... And exactly how many "Journalist".. Actually do research into these things? In my opinion.. Pretty much none of em... They rip on a game or a games ad and they think they are king of the world and making the planet a safer place....

The guy on the right... Is sooo damn stupid... No one is offended by this commercial.. AT ALL!... Would it have been wrong to have wanted to reach across that desk, and punch that guy in the face.... Because his little head bobbing there and facial expression was soo damned annoying!

@k1eaner: I'm from the US... And I'll drive it... No lie.

@loudensspam: Don't you mean wives wondering where their "Irvin" Jersey wearing husbands went during the 4th quarter?

@brixish: Mythbusters polished shit... Your comment is now invalid...

@brixish: Mythbusters polished shit. Your comment is now invalid.

Anyone that comments, calling it g4tv breaks my heart. I liked G4TV back when it was that... A channel for gamers... BEFORE they bought tech tv (Comcast or whoever did so) and merged em, taking away my favorite tech shows

Verizon: "The FCC fine was marely a setback!"

Can we pleaseee have that evil android as an android wallpaper?

@Mienvard: You good sir... Have just won 50dkp...

Its even said that he has beat every Megaman to date... Without losing a life....

@The Sentient Meat: He is human... Just in dragon form... SO He could possibly be Jay Leno...

@vic06: The FIA has concluded that the turn was overly aggressive and that it will be docked 10 places.

@Hiero: Good sir... That vid is the most epic 1942 vid I have ever seen....

Thats it....? I coulda done that while banging my head on the controller.....

10/10/10 Is right around the corner you know....

@jplayer01: He said "Blizzard said". That is all you need to know that it's from a real source, quit acting like a hardass over the internet... Cause your not one...

The farming economy will now double since farmers will stop farming on farmville and tend to their actual farm and farm the real crops on their farm.

@WookieLifeDay: I myself would like to see a Lancia Stratos autobot...

I look at it this way... Sales are gonna go down after so long for the wii.. I mean... Isnt it like, 5/6 outta 8 households have a wii? They sold like crazy the first 2 years it was out. They cant expect every single person or every single household to have a wii...