
@Jack Klassen: And I have been on poscast and Interviewed Jerry O'f;aherty from sir...I am an imporant person on the internet.

@wahrugene: Does playing it at 1920 X 1080 Resolution in widescreen make it comparable to the PC version on the XBOX 360?

@Derangel: Personally on my own opinion...I'll never buy a game on PC that is also on console, mainly for the fact that my PC couldnt even run a "this Gen" Fallou 3, gears of War, GTA4, CoD4...and I am sure there are others. but not only that, Id just have a better experience on my 360 since thats what all

kid got owned by the bot!

im lost by the press release, and dumbfounded by the guitar...thing...

@cfive3: I think I~ speak for everyone when I say...

@CockroachMan: umm, they look like pokeballs...and you roll em and they pop open into a robot thingy that looks like an animla...and..they battle? somehow? and its made by sega (used google)

@WeAmTheWalrus: well..does the PSN have the aparty chat and all those little things plus some extras hidden somewhere for the paid live service? Like..umm..Game with fame and so on? cant forget the weeknd contest they have for playin too...

I wish my life had a rewind button thatd put me back to mid juily so I would still be with my ex =/

I played SOnic Unleashed on the 360.....I give up on any console sonic game from here on out..til they remake Sonic Adventure 1/2 for live arcade.

In my opinion, the only good "DRM" is the Steam sysetm.

@PsycheE: WOuldnt it be funner to buy the tank and drag it behind your car? XD And I-70 here.

@phicaluk: Ermm..Nintendo didnt do it...some mario fans did...

@Kobun: Do tell how this would wotk...?

the wiifit board is pressure tricks like on a real skatboard..flick your foot to do heelflips and kick flips and stuff like that? just an idea

i wanna go play it nowww

dremmel tool =D

hmm, i can buy this...and giv it as a gift...XD