
Hang in there Julianne - you’ve got us weirdos to support you...

That’s a little too much civility to impart to the Bovine Beckys of the world.

Here’s an easy one - rejoin the WRC.

They’re been learning well from Puta.

Da. Puta’s plan is working perfectly.

90% of the segment in Vancouver would be 18 year old non-resident “students” from mainland China with absolutely no linkage to the Communist Party.

Just remember that this is pure fodder for the MAGA base. She is literally the antichrist.

The Bernie Bros / ruski bots would tend to disagree

wholeheartedly agree. Time to grow a backbone and stop putting on a facade of high-road / soft touch politics. Those days are long gone.

So he used up all his vitriol on the soapbox to divide his own party - now all that’s left is this limp PC response to actual moral injustice. Show us your true colors Sanders...

Why hasn’t the MAGA crowd come to the rescue yet?

There’s a healthy dose of excrement and bodily fluids guaranteed to be included gratis in any meal from now on

Cold is much more painful...

He’s got to wipe Putin’s cum somewhere

Werth isn’t capable of being multidimensional...

X7 scaled down by ~20% to meet the slightly less well-heeled market segment. Perfekt.

You do understand the concept of a trade surplus don’t you? Actually I really shouldn’t assume...

Because you don’t deserve a response. Next.

Psychological warfare evolved and now soft targets are much more attractive. Efficacy on either side is debatable. 

Pair of Ubiquiti Amplifi HD routers in mesh. 20K sq ft of solid wifi coverage. 

Pair of Ubiquiti Amplifi HD routers in mesh. 20K sq ft of solid wifi coverage.