
5 minutes of me grinning like an idiot at work...thank you Mr. Ballaban...

God do I wish someone actually made these kits!


You can click a link or waste about 13 calories trying to sound intelligent on the interweb...

Nothing says beige like silver...

LOCK THEM UP!...[repeat]

So they’re not trying to be like Land Rover...

You haven’t hit Star Trek Discovery yet have you...Sonequa Martin is a powerhouse of a lead.

God the new Disco looks terrible and completely out of place when its trying to look the part (even when tarted up with a snorkel and winch) about throwing away a market segment.

Zipper merging, although efficient in theory, is a fundamentally flawed here because of its misuse by the me-first (it’s quite the social experiment comparing it across cultures and regions). 


Mitsubishi have lost the plot ...and any cache from heydey of the WRC days has almost completely faded

Fucking orange dribbling shart...can’t wait till this smear gets wiped.

Surprising there’s still a tepid public and Democrat outcry for his impeachment. The world can’t wait for Mueller...

You’re describing my Audi and Porsche...

I love that they had to spell out that’s it’s a car...yes, yes it is.

This still seems like pandering...particularly as the generational shifts in battery tech will only be coming in around the 2020 mark (with weight saving benefits that are tailor made for larger vehicles). Maybe LR wants to continue the trend of being a few steps behind to show they’re “old fashioned” in point

Nice choice for the image - captures the smug little shite nicely...

If this were a BMW, it’d be pretending to do important “work” drawing a penis-shaped scatter plot... 

Nice to know Fake News is falling in line with the gestapo.