
Honestly, I think the Wilhelm scream is still relatively obscure unless you're a cinema geek. I took an anthropology of sound class last year (which was as awesome and nerdy as it sounds) and one week we talked a lot about sound effects and how they're able to compress so much cultural and sensory information into

The first movie is alright. It could reasonably fit into the game universe. But every subsequent movie has been utter garbage on that front.

Hayley Atwell or bust.

One of the best signs I saw during the Women's March was "If liberals are snowflakes then Winter Is Coming."

Well, you probably put more thought into this than the bozos over at Disney.

I thought some of the games actually were still canon. I remember an interview sometime ago where George Lucas had expressed a particular fondness for the Force Unleashed games.

Really happy that Melissa got a chance to star in a sketch. It was my favorite of the night, so I hope she gets more.

There's been reporting that Steve Bannon wrote the speech, so yeah. Trump is just gonna let everyone around him manipulate him and he's going to take all the credit.

That was bloody brilliant. I think everybody else has already expressed my feelings about this finale pretty well, so I want to theorize a bit on a second season.

There's a decent chance this won't actually happen. Republicans have voted to do this in the past, even when they had control of Congress, and the measures still failed. Even with minimal funding, these programs actually generate profit. Wealthy republicans still enjoy the arts, even if most artists are liberal.

I like 20,000 Leagues a fair amount, but there are sections of that novel that are just page after page of Verne describing different fish and ocean science stuff and it's pretty damn boring.

I think he's going to get away with it for about 6 months. At which point he will either resign because it's too hard and doesn't want the responsibility or he gets impeached for flagrant conflicts of interest.

I've been having this reaction lately whenever I see Obama doing one of the more low-key presidential duties and realizing Trump is going to have to start doing these things. Most recently, the annual Kennedy Center Honors. Every year, Trump is going to have to say a bunch of nice things about our most celebrated

Honestly I think Twitter should just shut down for the next 4 years.

You know I had forgotten the Genosians were the original designers. That seems to clash with what we learn in Rogue One. Why was Galen so important? What did he actually do?

As much as I care about all of those shows, I hope the fourth season of The 100 isn't its last.

I'll watch this for Sackhoff, but man, that British accent is ridiculous.

So happy this is back.

Not wrong. Hollywood is a weird place. There's no question there's gonna be a spotlight on her now in a way that probably wouldn't have happened if her famous mother and grandmother kept on living.

I marathoned the first season a few weeks back and while I enjoyed the world and premise of the show, I found most of the central characters insufferably stupid. Tagomi and Smith are the only ones I found interesting (mostly thanks to the actors).