Allow me to be the first one, then: The only reason I can even approach that pose is because of my moderate spina bifida! Thank you, and good night!
Allow me to be the first one, then: The only reason I can even approach that pose is because of my moderate spina bifida! Thank you, and good night!
Would it be ironic if I said "Amen to that?" Am I using the word irony ironically? I've met Christians who seem to believe that they'll get a free ticket on the train ride to heaven if they can goad somebody into yelling at them, because somehow, if you're the underdog, you're automatically on the moral high ground...…
I don't think she should've gotten any threats at all, but she did violate the charity/fund-my-life rule: She promised a game to the public when she was really promising one to her kid. I worry that she was hoping to ride Anita Sarkeesian's wave of feminist goodwill without understanding why Anita deserved such…
Hey, my childhood was the 80's and the 90's, I know what I'm doing here: Lisa Frank was miles cooler than the Cabbage Page kids.
Sweet. Just one thing though. Slendy wears no mask.
When addressing some of the more moderate right-wingers and hesitant left-wingers in my family, I do have to make clear that there are some second-wave artifacts that third-wavers should be afraid and ashamed of, artifacts that post or non-feminists erroneously believe characterize the movement as a whole:…
Things I liked: The problem of Crystal really does encapsulate the adolescent male coding of gaming/gamers.
Do not underestimate a cat like Jonathan with a million followers. He will wax that ass. - Sir Mix-A-Lot Starts 48.00 min mark
Cripes! I've tried to kill the double and triple posts, but the edit button isn't working for me. Many apologies.
Cripes! I've tried to kill the double and triple posts, but the edit button isn't working for me. Many apologies.
Cripes! I've tried to kill the double and triple posts, but the edit button isn't working for me. Many apologies.
Cripes! I've tried to kill the double and triple posts, but the edit button isn't working for me. Many apologies.
Crying in a game is a rare, rare thing, but not because it is shameful, nor should it be. Games are a new medium, and it is only now that we realize that they are capable of being Art, that they can touch us so deeply, remind us of something within ourselves that is so real and true, that it's painful, sad, or joyous.…
Crying in a game is a rare, rare thing, but not because it is shameful, nor should it be. Games are a new medium, and it is only now that we realize that they are capable of being Art, that they can touch us so deeply, remind us of something within ourselves that is so real and true, that it's painful, sad, or joyous.…
Crying in a game is a rare, rare thing, but not because it is shameful, nor should it be. Games are a new medium, and it is only now that we realize that they are capable of being Art, that they can touch us so deeply, remind us of something within ourselves that is so real and true, that it's painful, sad, or joyous.…
Crying in a game is a rare, rare thing, but not because it is shameful, nor should it be. Games are a new medium, and it is only now that we realize that they are capable of being Art, that they can touch us so deeply, remind us of something within ourselves that is so real and true, that it's painful, sad, or joyous.…
Crying in a game is a rare, rare thing, but not because it is shameful, nor should it be. Games are a new medium, and it is only now that we realize that they are capable of being Art, that they can touch us so deeply, remind us of something within ourselves that is so real and true, that it's painful, sad, or joyous.…
Crying in a game is a rare, rare thing, but not because it is shameful, nor should it be. Games are a new medium, and it is only now that we realize that they are capable of being Art, that they can touch us so deeply, remind us of something within ourselves that is so real and true, that it's painful, sad, or joyous.…
Crying in a game is a rare, rare thing, but not because it is shameful, nor should it be. Games are a new medium, and it is only now that we realize that they are capable of being Art, that they can touch us so deeply, remind us of something within ourselves that is so real and true, that it's painful, sad, or joyous.…
Crying in a game is a rare, rare thing, but not because it is shameful, nor should it be. Games are a new medium, and it is only now that we realize that they are capable of being Art, that they can touch us so deeply, remind us of something within ourselves that is so real and true, that it's painful, sad, or joyous.…