
Payload ratings are not based on the calculation: stated payload + 1kg = snapped chassis. They are based on 1) reasonable braking distance with max payload. 2) Anticipated expectations of end user.

I hillhopped in my Cavalier so much. I blew tires, bent the f out of (multiple sets of) steelies, and the suspension components never failed

I like TNG, can’t get into TOS.

Doesn’t even need to be autonomous. Ever since the 1960s The Netherlands has had automatic braking systems that, if a train enters a track section at too high of a speed, first rings a bell. If the driver doesn’t commence braking, the train will be brought to a standstill.
This is technology from the 1950s, it was all

Because everything moves so damn slowly in the rail industry. They want to do the same thing they’ve been doing the same way since Roosevelt was in office. “Railroad” and “innovation” are very rarely used together.

I can only assume that they didn’t have their “avoid ferries” option checked.

it does NOTHING with them. It pulled apart the husks and wedged it in to the point where it wouldn’t turn and would trip the thermal breaker. I had to pick them out bit by bit with these

The fact that people keep posting the same idea of “lowering the roadway” further proves that people don’t bother to read.

We do something like this about once per week. Every sunday, we have a family meeting, where we discuss the weeks events, finances, our sons grades, the upcoming shopping trip, and anything else that needs to be discussed. We have a section to share what good happened during the week. But, I think it might be good to

“Years ago” Yes I believe the correct response you are looking for here is “Thanks Obama”

Becuase the article about adjusting your temperature control was too short so he rewrote this instead.

As someone with an MBA who is spending inordinate amount of time today using weird financial rules to maximize 2017 revenue recognition without providing any additional customer value...

Wow dude, what the actual fuck. There’s so much more to drag racing than just flooring it: like holding on, and...

I’m assuming there was more to this response but you were typing on your iPhone and it didn’t register the next paragraph.

would agree, why do you think I had the Gas in a Solo cup in the first place??


Building realistic model railroading rolling stock becomes easier for all levels of hobbyists when modeling invisible trains, whether you prefer N or HO