Drivers make more during surge pricing, that’s the entire point of it. When there are more passengers, uber ups the fees to entice more drivers on the road.
Drivers make more during surge pricing, that’s the entire point of it. When there are more passengers, uber ups the fees to entice more drivers on the road.
Workers can protect themselves, they are not helpless children, they are adults. If they don’t like it, they can go start their own ride sharing service.
That is slowly changing in Japan. One of the major negatives of that “one company for life” mentality is that you are stuck in a shitty job if it turns out to be a shitty job. Slowly, but surely, Japan is transitioning to a Western style job market. It will take longer than it did here in the states, but it will…
Nah, this is actually par for the course in the auto industry (maybe every industry???), it’s just not usually so public. Part cost reductions and other money saving activities are a significant part of many engineers day to day functions. When money gets tight, approvals for even he most basic shit goes higher and…
That’s such a load, he didn’t even inhale.
When your car only makes a few horsepower, cooling isn’t that big of a deal.
You can do that (and it would still be called a union) but management of all that is not easy. That’s what you get with a full fledged union, a leadership presence and experienced negotiators.
I think you missed the point. The bottom line is that a union, while helping with wages, can also be an enabler for less than productive activity. That activity can be laziness or encouraging poor working relationships with non-union personell. Read Northeasterns reply to ibRAD. That kind of BS happens ALL THE TIME.
HOA’s should be illegal. They are like little sub-governments that have no oversight or regulation.
They specifically tell you when you sign up that you are an independent contractor, not an employee. Therefore, you don’t get minimum wage protection. Don’t like it, go somewhere else.
This is like buying an airplane. Oh, look a cessna for only $25,000.. a steal.
*6 months later*
What do you mean my annual will cost $234,2343,34.00
An oil change is $2,134,331,234.45??!?!?
I have to upgrade to ADSB for $5,109,238,742,314.02???
I do wonder though about the efficacy of a virtual office. I often complain that even my dual monitors don’t give me enough space, especially if I am writing a script for something. VR can give you virtual screens to work with, that might have some advantage. Perhaps working remotely would become better/more accepted…
If they would do a panic stop, yes, but those drivers were not doing a panic stop. They were using their brakes to keep the car at a constant speed, which is the dumb part. Riding the brakes like that will overheat them, no matter what engine you have.
Are you bowled over?
I’d be cool with that.
It doesn’t seem THAT innovative to me from a global perspective since there are already electric cars on the road. Now, a drift car that runs on STEAM, THAT would be truly innovative.
It’s a bit more complicated than that. If you’re not perfectly grounded, you can hold high voltage DC, and as long as a path to ground is never made, no problem. Since your body has capacitance even modest AC can kill you with no ground. This is why Thomas Edison said AC is to dangerous.
Like the article says, too much money and not enough fuel economy for what you get. I looked at getting one a few years ago, but just didn’t feel like it was a value on either of these fronts. I mean, my Fiesta was $10,000 cheaper, got the same fuel economy, plus 3 extra seats, and more cargo room. I suppose if you…
Glad everything worked out ok, I hope the driver learns the lesson if they made the mistake.