
Seattle area, and it was in the high-30s here this morning, mid-50sand breezy today and the forecast is more of the same.  I call that sweater weather for sure, and perfect for risotto!

It is real deal cold in the PNW now, so this post was perfectly timed

Look, just give us all of the Monty Python catalog in the US already, they have had it in other countries since April!

Second the salt lamp, i don’t give a crap about the supposed benefits of having a hot salt rock in the room, but the quality of the light, the color that doesn’t ruin your night vision or wake you up too much, and how adjustable it is are great.

Or, you know, get Netflix or Amazon Prime Video and have all the access to it you’ll ever need

Or, you know, get Netflix or Amazon Prime Video and have all the access to it you’ll ever need

I took 3 weeks when my son was born in 2016, though some of that was “working from home” for the last week, and while more time would have been great, even that 3 weeks was helpful to our family and my ability to bond with him. We live in Washington, and are starting to think about another but are holding out till

If your sinus congestion is really bad, there is always Afrin nasal spray. You are only supposed to use it for 3 days, but if you absolutely need to breathe, or in my case sleep, its the way to go.

The code for the (2) pack of tactical flashlights expired yesterday!

The code for the (2) pack of tactical flashlights expired yesterday!

My wife saw this on her FB Saturday morning when we were driving to the local farmer’s market, and I just assumed it was BS. Thanks for confirming!

People who would use Fix-a-Flat should be aware that most tire centers won’t be able to repair the tire after you use it, and you;ll need to get a new tire. Better off learning to put the spare on and get your tire repaired.

People who would use Fix-a-Flat should be aware that most tire centers won’t be able to repair the tire after you

We have Xfinity high-speed internet with the basic cable package (Xfinity doesn’t have, as far as I have been able to find out, an internet only package; if you want internet, you get the basic channels whether you watch them or not) and HBO, Hulu, Netflix, Sling and Amazon, and we use all of them with enough

UPDATE: Nevermind, just looked at the update on Apple’s website and see this is only for the 5s and later.

Seriously, are you guys stalking me and my wife? Last week Friday it was an article about airline policies for flying while pregnant, this week it is this.

I homebrew, so the ability to reuse a bottle of any size usually makes the purchase worth it for the 22 oz capacity and reduction in how many 12 oz bottles i have to use for a given batch that isn’t getting kegged.

The hardest part in our most recent purchase was waiting for the sellers to finally move out! We had sold our first house and were short-term leasing a townhouse while waiting for closing and the sellers to move out of what is now our house. Having everything in storage and living out of boxes was frustrating, to say

Irrelevant, I don’t have a boyfriend in New Jersey that keeps getting locked up.

And probably a PS4.....and I’d track down an N64 and Ocarina of Time.

I think you still have to pay the top rate on what is left after the 25%. Our local CBS station had a story on it Friday that I cannot find now about how the taxes work.

Gotcha, that all makes sense, and you are right about living off the interest.