
All those amateur camera operators who provided us with grainy night vision footage of celebrities humping. It's time to up your game.

I really like the idea of Savages. They look great and I've heard good things about their lives shows. Their recorded output leaves me cold.

I was boycotting the Oscars (watching something on another channel in my underpants) before it was considered cool to do so.

It was bathing-suit beauties that killed the beayst.

"An even longer time ago than we had initially planned, in a galaxy far, far away…"

This show may be provide me with the motivation I've been lacking to renounce pot and graduate to harder class A narcotics.

I'm done with leonine Christ analogies ever since my psychologist identified my Thundercats pajamas as the source of my incessant night terrors.

Fretful Cul-De-Sac


The time Martin spent updating his blog could have been put to better use writing a detailed description of a cloak belonging to a minor character in his perpetually impending door-step sized sequel to A Dance With Dragons. These cloaks aren't going to describe themselves.

Sherlock ingested over 9000mg of morphine sulphate.

It took type 2 diabetes, a heart condition and an aggressive form of cancer to bring down Lemmy Kilmister. Death's going to need to buy more ammunition after this.

I admire the writers going all in with the UFO.

I thought the whole point of Han's story arc is that when you first meet him, he's on the way to becoming one of those shady, morally ambigous characters who you see loitering in the background at Jabba's palace, dressed in a plaid shirt, watching the Rebo band with their arms folded.

I believe the correct term is "younglings".

Even the Death Star wasn't a star. It wasn't even a small moon.

Remember Malvo and the wolf in season one. I reckon they'll do something with similar with Hanzee, since both characters seem to be tapped into a different reality to everybody else.

I have been involved in GamerGate almost from the outset and, for the record, have never harassed anyone on or offline, or supported any action that would censor a person's free speech, or drive them from the gaming industry.

St Etienne's rejected theme for Tomorrow Never Dies (which can be found on YouTube) is many shades better than Sheryl Crow's four and a half minutes of big band bluster and bombast.

The Tower Records that stood in Piccadilly Circus, London, was the first of the monolithic record shops to fall. Now only HMV remains, albeit in cramped tragically diminished circumstances.