Could the final season of Justified be a re-telling of City Slickers II; The Legend of Curly's Gold?
Could the final season of Justified be a re-telling of City Slickers II; The Legend of Curly's Gold?
For me this was the episode where the disparate strands of a plot began to braid together and the story found some traction.
The writers on Justified have 13 episodes in which to steer Raylan and Boyd from their present circumstances to a point where they are both lumberjacks in Alaska.
Hirings and franchising will depend upon the success of my kickstarter. I am still working out a system of rewards: For a pledge of ten pounds I will turn a light either on or off while saying your name, or the name of a loved one.
For an outlandish fee I will stand in your living room and randomly adjust the dimmer switch on your light (or just turn it on and off) while you watch 12 Monkeys. I will also shout "BOO!" at inopportune moments.
On New Years Day of 1994 a myrrh salesman presented himself at my front door. His obsequious almost aggressive servility was enough to convince me to send him on his way.
The dismal spoken word Ballad of Tindersticks was shuffled into the track-listing of the group's third album: An eight minute snapshot of England's dourest band extending their miserable reach across the Atlantic where a life of rock and roll excess, $2000 bar bills, and as much screw-top champagne as they can drink…
I was six when The Black Hole was released in theatres. Like every other boy my age I was a fan of Star Wars which was a decipherable space opera. This film on the other hand was the closest I got to a bad acid trip while aged in single figures.
The self-satisfied tone on the OkCupid blog suggests that they shot themselves in the foot with one of their arrows and couldn't be happier about it. Here's why they might want to reconsider:
A picture is worth a thousand words. Bearing that in mind, everyday for the foreseeable future I will post a photo on Instagram of my 'writing space' with its obligatory manual typewriter.
1984: Joey is a nerdy high-school kid with an Apple Mac 128K personal computer and a self-built robot who is, to all intents and purposes, sentient. Now with his hot classmate Alice he is about to uncover a conspiracy that could undermine the international diamond trade by flooding the market with Peruvian sapphires!
I wouldn't describe myself as a massive Elbow fan but their sixth album The Take Off and Landing of Everything towers above everything else I've heard this year.
The strata of bedding that lies in-between the mattress and the base of the bed is where, during the golden age of print, one might have uncovered thin seams of concealed pornographic material.
When The Horrors first emerged they were a really exciting garage goth cabaret act - lots of energy. 'Strange House' came out and I thought half of it was great and I was fairly indifferent to the rest of it. I don't think it showed the full potential of the band.
I hail from Southend-on-Sea whose claim to be home to the longest pleasure pier in the world depends on how broadly you define the term 'pleasure'.
If the title is to be taken literally you were supposed to pretend that you were listening to a good album.
Mama and papa were both unwell. Maria, our maid, confined us all to the nursery. After it got dark Elsie lit some candles and re-enacted the first episode of OZ using shadow puppetry and the dolls that uncle Andrew gave us for Christmas.
The reason I have so far resisted selling my soul is because I fear the eternal torment of being forced to listen to Tori Amos performing 'Waitress' on never-ending repeat.
It's high time that a ray of camp sunshine was allowed to permeate the dismal monochrome world of the puritanically dour Godspeed You! Black Emperor.
I'm impressed by how the writers were effectively able to have their cake and eat it, combining the expectation-confounding ending that one associates with a certain type of Coen brothers movie with the white-knuckle thrills of a brief snowmobile chase. If Lester went into hiding with the intention of becoming a…