Fox Sports has published a story about the handling of the sexual assault allegations against Jameis Winston; we'll…
Fox Sports has published a story about the handling of the sexual assault allegations against Jameis Winston; we'll…
We hope Yao and Super Cool Beas spend the year tooling around Shangai together, solving crimes. Preferably by speedboat.
That'll only cause you to have a seizure if you keep icons on your desktop. Good way to keep it clean and nice. /s
I guess you could use this along with demographic information, income class and such to see what kind of city layout coincides with other city discrepancies. I sure they already do this but it would be interesting to see if it had any bearing on wealth or crime or whatnot. I think it would.
Thanks for your comment! I just slapped myself as you instructed and now I would like to know what I got wrong.
Haha oh trust me, it's the part I hate most about travelling anywhere. Dealing with parking in various other cities. But when you're spoiled by never having to worry about parking in the place you live from the day you turn 21 until roughly 30/31 and then all the sudden they make the parking cost money and be a pain…
I moved from the mid-west to Vegas. The parking problems here are a joke compared to cities with real urban cores. It is truly not the end of the world to have to pay for parking.
"The Downtown Project estimates that some 400-600 people like this young urbanist come to town to see their work every month. In January, I was one of them, spending a week on the ground reporting on what I saw and meeting these wide-eyed pilgrims who flocked there to experience this brave new idea."
Seems kinda gushy…
So what you're saying is you want to turn a downtown area into the burbs?
You know, that's why the burbs exist. They provide reasonable access to urban centers without the residents having to deal with the concerns of living 'downtown' that you identified. Your 1950's idyllic Anytown is what's wrong with most of the…
Me, too. I'd really like to see them bring on some folks who do this kind of stuff for a living. Architects? A few urban planners? I like the outsider approach but I just think it would help. A lot.
I have MS and I find this inspiring -…
You're kidding, right? Every aspect of culture gets this kind of criticism. The Washington Redskins have been lambasted for their racism for decades. Miley Cyrus and Robin Thicke have been ripped to shreds for their racism and sexism, respectively. Movie critics have been savaging the manic pixie dream girl since…
What I find interesting is when comic fans complain that all this discussion does is politicize comics, which according to them, should really just be about escapism and having a fun time.
And to all the apologists who are going to whine and complain about "'Dem evil feminazis" in the comments below? A robot plays you a violin.
Not to mention that Spider-Man cover was drawn by comic book artist J. Scott Campbell and the Spider-Woman cover was drawn by porn artist Milo Manara. I mean hell, I'm not judging porn comics but how could the difference in intent possibly be made any clearer than THAT?
That's a nice false dichotomy you've got there. I have an excellent strawman that would pair nicely with it. Slightly used but in good condition. Yours cheap!
the idea that you can both love and criticize something seems to be one of the most wild ideas ever presented to the masses.
Quinnpocalypse is a nightmare. If you post anything about it on social media suggesting that the doxxing, hacking, etc was misogynistic bullying, you will in turned be bullied for buying into the "feminist bullies'" distraction from the "real issue: ethics in gaming journalism". I'm not even sure there is any proof…
Comics Aren't Any Worse Than Magazines Like Cosmopolitan or Elle. They Show Sexy Undressed Women Everywhere!
Which is quite right, as far as it goes — but here's a counter proposal: We do have to live in the culture, because living in an isolation tank in a cave with a paper bag over our head isn't an option for the overwhelming majority of us. I'd rather that culture not be nakedly contemptuous of the half of the human…