
I have a Cat Genie and it looks like a very short toilet (filled with pellets instead of water). I figure this is about as close as I'll ever get to toilet training my cats.

@Gretchen now has TWO kittens: My fat orange cat just turns his back to me and lets me squirt him. When I'm done, he proceeds to bathe himself. It's like I'm helping him and he enjoys it.

@caffeinequeen: My very large orange and white tabby is officially named Edward, but ever since I adopted him, his name has also been Mister Pants (I couldn't decide between the two). He also goes by Mr. Chubbs and whatever appropriately silly name I think of at the time. I think one of the more ridiculous names my ex

My glory moment was turning left onto a one way street in downtown San Francisco and busting out an absolutely perfect parallel park on the first try, right in front of my destination, just as the other light turned green. Really, it was beautiful.

I have absolutely no intention of seeing this movie. From every preview I've seen, all I can determine is that he should have spent less time playing World of Warcraft and taking notes from George Lucas on how to ruin a movie with special effects and more time developing an interesting and coherent story with dialogue

I spy a jabberwock! Though it's less whiffly and burbley than I expected and more dragon-screechy. Hrm.

@bluebears: I watched the Disney cartoon until my mom wanted to break the VHS. I did not like the caterpillar in the Disney version though.

@AndPreciousLittleofThat: During my Big Breakup, the only stations we'd listen to at work were country or 90s alternative. I frequently wanted to throw something at the radio.

I'm really annoyed that Baker's entire argument is based on Amy Kehoe's schizophrenia and how Baker thinks it may affect her ability to care for the twins. What about Scott Kehoe? Does he not factor into the family's care and welfare at all?

@Diziet_Sma: I know what I'm getting my ex for Christmas. This is excellent.

@sonjamikail: I got The Opportunity. I'm not sure how I feel about this. Much like the show.

@Anneisanne: I was about to post that comic! It's one of my favorites, and it's so, so true.