
While that that may GT-Rs and Raptors is not typical of the HVCC gatherings, I agree 100% that the cars that are there on any given Saturday are really secondary to talking with the people who are there——who in most cases are driving something completely unrelated to anything I own.

I don't get this comment.

Hey, there Maryland pal! I roll my eyes too but I'm always happy at the big turn outs and the passionate folks that show up.

Yeah, so rare! I can't believe how fortunate I was at my local Cars and Coffee to spot what must be every GT-R in the world.

Man, whatever. If you love your car, bring it to the damn show and talk to people who love their car. Who cares what everyone else thinks.

Is it possible to download all of them at once?

Great job pointing that out.

Of course its not coming stateside. Jesus this place is just like a strip club!

Actually in America we recognize those who have served their country on November 11th. It is called Veterans Day. Today is Memorial Day, the day we honour the men and women of the United States Armed Forces who gave their lives in service of our country.

I'm going to re-submit the Mercedes 600 Grosser!

I got hit by Foscheck dropped by a C-130 while trying to outrun the Hayman Fire on a motorcycle while riding back to California with a buddy. Some friends and I were camping at a ranch (with cows sticking their heads in our tents) when we saw the fire start as a little plume of smoke a few miles away on Saturday


Well, Mark Fields is Jewish. Ford's next car will be powered by Henry Ford turning in his grave.

A project car. Now with more time on your hands and more love to give. Why not give it to something that needs it.

I love the premise of this car. Execution looks pretty good. It's a m/t, RWD, V-8 wagon. Though I've voted NP, I'd still try to negotiate seller down a grand or so 'cause I'm not a huge fan of the color, the headlights need fixed, and it's not a MOPAR. Just my personal preferences.

Jeep Gladiator. I want one so bad

Where are they? I claim Jalop discrimination! How can you ignore a turboed AWD longroof?????????????????????????????????

Not enough options with removable tops.

So it works by stabilizing the spark to the spark plugs for better combustion...yet it also works on diesel engines?

This post is such a fraud, when I combine this with my gas tank magnets I get over a 1000% increase in fuel efficiency!