
In Virginia, every accident involving only one vehicle gets the driver a reckless driving ticket. When I was 19 I feel asleep and hit a tree in VA and was issued the same.

A carwash near my has the cars move on belts while they are hand cleaned. I haven't seen another wash do this.. is it typical anywhere?

Why does the camera make the wipers look curved?

This appears to be an average commute in any northern city in winter.

The VW 1.9L TDI

Came to say the same. Easily sourced, well-supported, reliable, versatile.

It's not killing the auto hobby, but it's injuring it.

Is this Henry? Henry creeps me the hell out.

Not enough options with removable tops.

such protection

Chicagoland has a number of these, as well. They call them "oasis".

star, because I know what you had to google.

I do like the idea of having what is basically a trunk in addition to a bed, because no one likes crawling under the tanneau cover for the can of pears.

That is exactly what my neighbor said.

The day I bought my first sedan with a throaty V6 and flappy-paddles, I shot up and down the street outside my neighborhood with it for a few minutes on the way home. It's alongside a farm; no traffic. I pulled into the townhome community I lived in and parked, got out of the car, and started talking to a neighbor

Fire ants are an introduced species. They are spreading rapidly across the southern US because they find themselves set free from their natural population-inhibiting environment. We caused the problem.

What you've just done is aligned yourself with a much worse problem. Ignoring problems, and/or accepting the 'solution' that is easy. You want to talk about what enables cultural travesty.. that is it, right there.

If you find yourself in a conversation/argument/debate with someone who cherry-picks quotes from the Bible completely out of context of the narrative taking place at that point in scripture, than politely excuse yourself from that conversation/argument/debate, unless you happen to know that section of scripture well

The Bible is a method of communication from God to man, mainly through the recorded stories of the people He's interacted with over time. It is not a fact-checked encyclopedia used to look up answers to life's questions; it is a book of questions from which, in conjunction with spiritual community and leadership,

While many will disagree with me, you can't take all parts of the bible literally. I mean.. parts of it are poetry (Genesis), or songs, or apocalyptic text dealing largely with speaking in code about the Roman occupation of the holy land (Revelations).