
If an 80k new hand crafted wrangler is hard to justify, an old poorly equipped Defender at 80k is even harder. I love D110s, but only from the outside, and I can look at that all day for free.

AEV headquarters are in Montana, I believe. MI facility is where they do most of their builds.

There was some discussion about this on the AEV boards. They actually built one, but then never offered it as a build option to the masses. Speculation is that they are in the know on future availability of the 4-door Wrangler w/ the Fiat Diesel in it directly from Jeep, and are just planning on offering that as a

Quadratec gave one away recently.. I registered for it every week. Not the winner, of course. :(

We used to play CB Hide-and-seek.. anyone else?

Slug Bug! We also played this w/ Schneider moving trucks, because there are a lot of them, and we enjoyed beating on each other as kids.

I pay for oil changes because of time. It takes time to change into shop clothes, set up, do the change, take down, dispose of oil, and clean myself up. I can have it done for $10 more than the cost I pay for supplies to do it myself, and in the mean time, talk cars w/ the guys at the shop. Sounds like a much

I knew someone would've beat me to this. That's just a few mins away from my office, but I've only been a time or two. Enjoyable, but perhaps a bit too much hype at this point.

Jalops love El Caminos? Such sweet relief that my obsession with these things is shared. Since my Uncle drove his around in the 80s when I was a kid, I have lusted after them.

I have two Great Danes. We always consider them when looking at vehicles.

came in to say this.

I liked your post until "Jeep wave". Now I have a man-crush.

This is true, but easy to lose in statistics. Guy's shed gets broken in to and has dirt bike stolen by a teen from the city and guy's shed gets broken into and has power tools stolen by a guy from 4 blocks over who sold them on craigslist is lumped together. It's not safe, for them or for pedestrians and other

Given the choice between a supercharged water meth injection model or the one you describe, I'd rather buy the second; the owner is clearly knowledgeable and put quality, known brand aftermarket parts on, and on top of that, takes care of the truck. This guy's setup has probably shortened the lifespan of ol'

x2. Saved me the typing. There are modified Jeeps I would pay that much for; this isn't one of them.

This was an excellent article sold short by the headline. I almost didn't read it, and would've missed some really great story-telling.

needs more Speed Racer

Come on, that was awesome. And if they played it on the news, then I would take their news over CNN/Fox News any day, which pretend to be serious. No pretension, here!

Had one as a kid and was the envy of the neighborhood gang of big-wheelers

Rotors? Your car runs on unicorn dust.